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███ Dropped By: audio.ٴٴ#9268  / P2P
███ Reason For Dox: Being a retard and catfishing younger girls on snapchat as well as instagram and trying to gain access to CP
███ Personal Info 
███ Full Name: Matthew Morton
███ Phone Number:
███ DOB:
███ Age:
███ Email: therealmatthewmorton@gmail.com
███ Picture: 
███ Alias: Matthew Morton, LockIsLive
███ School Info
███ School Name: Cedar Valley High School
███ School Address: 1389 Aviator Ave, Eagle Mountain
███ School Email:
███ School Contact Number: +18016108825 
███ School Website: https://cvhs.alpineschools.org
███ School Principal: Courtney Johnson
███ School Socials
███ School Twitter: @CedarValleyHigh
███ School Instagram: @Cedarvalleyhigh
███ School Facebook: @CedarValleyHigh  
███ Location Info
███ Address: 2409 Hitching Post Dr
███ Area Code: 307 
███ Zip: 82935-6058
███ City: Eagle Mountain
███ State: Utah UT 84005, USA
███ Country: Sweetwater County
███ Continent: US
███ IP Info
███ IP Address:
███ ISP: Direct Communications
███ Hostname: 208-54-228-91.directcom.com
███ Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; SM-N950U1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.105 Mobile Safari/537.36
███ Social Media
███ Instagram: @therealmatthewmorton
███ Snapchat: @sackofpotatos367 -- SS [193]
███ Facebook:
███ TikTok: @matthewmortonyt
███ Github:
███ Discord:
███ Discord ID:
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