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Android 9; SM-N950U1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.105 Mobile Safari/537.36 ███============================================================================================= ███ Social Media ███============================================================================================= ███ Instagram: @therealmatthewmorton ███ Snapchat: @sackofpotatos367 -- SS [193] ███ Facebook: ███ TikTok: @matthewmortonyt ███ Github: ███ Discord: ███ Discord ID: ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ███ .*/*//*/*, ███ .*,..,/*,**,..** ███ **,,*,*,*,*,,*,.**. ███ ./ ,(,*, ***/..* ███ .* ,/**, ,***..* ███ .,*(***,,*,,,,****,///*, ███ .///*. ,. ** *, .******, .*/*(/,*...,//* ███ .***.,,* *,... . ...*///*/*///,..,. .., .,.,*/,. ███ ./*.../ . ,****. ., . ,*.*, , . .,,**,. ,,* .,,.,/*. ███ //. ** ,,..***. . . , , ,/. ,*, , . . * .*/*. * .* */* ███ .**,,,,,,..*** .. .. , . ,* .*. , . , .. ***. ,. ,,** ███ */,. .*** , . .,,*/**../, **.,**/,,.. , , ,,/, ..,.*./, ███ ./, ,./ //, , .. ,//. ,* ./. */*. , , //, .,/* ███ ./,,.// ./, , ..,*, ** .*, .,/,, , /*,.,, /*/ ███ ./, ,. ,*. ., ***. ,*. ,*. ./*, , ./,. **/,* ███ ** .,,.** ., ,/* ** *. . ./*. , .*. ...,/* ███ ./.,.. .*.*. ,,*, .*. ,/ ,*,. .,,*.,. ,,* ███ ,* ,*/ .,,*, ,* ,**/********/*******. *. ,*.,. .** . ./. ███ ,* ., *. ., *, .*,*/,***. ,//, ,,* ,,****/**/ . ** .*. ** , , /, ███ **.. ./.,,. ./(*,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,((*,/.. .. ,/,******,.*. .*.,*/,/(**,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*//. .,,.* ,/ ./. ███ ,*.**,./. ** ./. ,***,...,,**, .,**,, .,/*/. ,* .*, ,/,. ,,/. ███ ./,(. *. .,,** ** ,/***, .,/, **,,*.**/*. *, **,. ,* ..*. ███ /,(. ,**,,. ,* .*. ***(//(//(//(///////(((/////////(/(////////(/** ,* .* .,,*, , *, ███ ,/ ,, ./ .*. ** /** ** *****,,,,*,**/, .*,,*,, *, ,* .* .,..* ███ *, .*, ...*, .* *./.*.,/. .,/,,*///***///*,*** ./..,.*** ,/. /,. . *.. *. ███ / , *. *. ////, .,* *, ./,**/. ,/*,*,, *,,*.*#,*//* ,, ,* ,,* ███ .* , ,.* *. **.*/,...* ./. ***** ./***, ./ /../,*/.*. .* .* . ,,* ███ .* **..*.......*. *, .*/,...* *,.,*,** /*,*, ** /,*,,**. ,*. .*......,* .,..* ███ ./ ,. * * ,* .**, .** ,/*,,*/. */*,/,/ ./ .,/ .*. ,* ,* . .* ███ /.,,*.*, *. *, .*,**..,* ///,,//*. .//****(* *,.. *** *, ,, ,. . ,* ███ *, ,*..,...,* ,*. ,**, .,** ,/,*/*****//*,*****/. *. ,.*** .* ./...,.,,* , *. ███ ./.,. ./, *. *, ,//*. ,*. ./. **...,,**. ,* ,**. /***. *, ,* ,,,.. .*. ███ *,.(,../, ./..*. ./***..,**. ,* .*, .*... ,*/* .* .* ,/./,. *, ███ /.,(, ,, ....../, ,/*/,,. .*/, ./. ,* ,*,.. ,/**. */...,. *,,**.,/ ███ .* ..,** ./. ./***., *//**/, *(*//**,., .***/ ,* .*,*,/../ ███ .//*,*/,*/*/** ,, ,//*/*/*/,,.*//. .*,/ /. .***//. .*,.*/****,/***/* ███ **..****,/**. *//. .,/**/*/**,,/(/,***/***/*, ,/(, ,***,,/*, .*, ███ /.*,,**,,,***,/,./* .,. ,/. **. ...,,,,,,,.. ./. ,*, .,. */.*,,**,,,/**,*,,* ███ ,* **/*. **** *//. * ,/. ./, ,* ,*.., /*/..**/* ***, *. ███ .* /***, ,**,* */.,*.,. .,.*,. ** ./, .**., .../.,*, /*,,. **,*, /. ███ ,(.*/*,/,,,**/,,*/*, ,/, ,. ...**. ./. ,* ,**., .. ,*. ,*//,//,*/.****/,,/, ███ /*. .****. ./*/( ** .*/ ,. . , ,/*. *, /, .//. , .. .** ,,, ./*/* ,(,*,. ./* ███ .,****,. ,/..,.*. .** ., , ****,. ,/. .*. .,***. .. ,. .*,. /,., ,/, .,****,. ███ ** ,,*/ .**, , . , ,.,*/*****///*****/**,, .. .. , ,/,*, .,./*. ███ .(, ,. .//, , , .. . . . .. . . , , //* . **(/ //. ███ .**. ,. . .**/,. , , . . , . , ..****. . .,*(.,/*. ███ ,/**.., ,* . ..,**/**,*,.,,.,,*,*****,.., ..*.*..,/*. ███ .,//, .* ,. .,*, .. ., *. .,..* *(/, ███ .**/*,..,. ,* *,, ,/...,*, ...*//*, ███ ...,,,********,,,.... ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████