____    ____   _                  ______   __                      REASON: participated in the moderation of the "MineBlaze" project
|_   \  /   _| (_)                |_   _ \ [  |                      
  |   \/   |   __   _ .--.  .---.   | |_) | | |  ,--.   ____  .---.  
  | |\  /| |  [  | [ `.-. |/ /__\\  |  __'. | | `'_\ : [_   ]/ /__\\ 
 _| |_\/_| |_  | |  | | | || \__., _| |__) || | // | |, .' /_| \__.,  STAFF \\ PART 0.4 \\ zzparkur
                                                        BASIC INFORMATION \\ PROJECT STAFF, MODERATION STATUS
                                                            ➤ Picture: 	
                                                            ➤ Name: Aleksey Vladimirovich Nikolaev
                                                              ➣ Pseudonyms: 
                                                              ➣ "zzparkur"
                                                            ➤ Age: 32
                                                            ➤ [DOB] Date of Birth: 07/05/1992
                                                            ➤ Location of Birth: CIS
             [ RUSSIA : МОСКВА ]                            ➤ Location: Russia
                                                            ➤ Race: White
                                                            ➤ Sexual Orientation: Straight
                                                            ➤ Political Affiliation: 
                                                            ➤ Native Language: Russian
                                                            ➤ Religion: 
                                                              ➣ Additional Information
                                                              ➣ Gender: Male
                                                              ➣ Weight: 
                                                              ➣ Height:

                                                            PERSONAL INFORMATION
                                                            ➤ Country of Citizenship: Russia

                                                            ➤ Area Code: 7
                                                            ➤ Mobile Phone Number: "(916) 989 41-01"
                                                            ➤ Current Address: Russia, Moscow, Stary Gai street, 1, sq. 27
                                                            ➤ Postal Code: "111539"
                                                            ➤ Email Address: "zzparkur@yandex.ru", "Lyudmila.Kireeva@dok3.ru"
                                                            ➤ Tax ID number: 15835624489
                                                            ➤ Taxpayer number: 772076036766
                                                            ➤ Passport number: "892720", "77УКЛ0018419908"
                                                              ➣ issued on 24.12.2012 by the Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the city of Moscow in Veshnyaki district, 770-046
                                                            ➤ Passport series: 4512
                                                            ➤ Issued by the department: 770-046
                                                            ➤ Credit Card: 550583******2276 (known as of 2021-05-31)
                                                            ➤ Medical policy: 7700005100510592
                                                            We'll get to everyone who was involved with this project in one way or another. :D