zaik munga doxx :3
credits to fwcormac, @7k79 aka 7kensi, @patmyhead aka kathy
smoking dead opps
join hk
shoutout to leah, join

i do infact stand on business lil cuh

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fetch me their soulsssssssss

hey zaik, cormac here.
i stand on business, u a pussy wont do shit. had me blocked on snap for 2 years lmaoooooooo (got caught lying about this by me and shea)
nifesi ongod ur next

real name - zaik munga
age - 16 (07/12/2007)

probable address:
100, Orpin Road, RH1 3EY, Surrey, England, United Kingdom
(this is alledged, i doubt this is his real address ngl)

social medias:
instagram - tekashizaik (main), zaik079, zkmunga
tiktok - tekashizaik
snapchat - freeupzaik

school info:
zaik's school - St Bede's School
location - Redhill, Surrey, RH1 2LQ
current year/grade - Year 11
school hours - 08:30-15:00
school email -



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        `-._                 \        me like blahaj              ``.. /



msg to zaik:

tbh zaik i wasnt gonna do this but u started shit saying i was a pussy and i wouldn't do shit so u kinda deserve it lol.
was fun doing this, enjoyed collecting all the info, ngl zaik u need to keep ur shit harder to find, took me like 5 minutes.
also ur hairline looks like shaquille oneil.

shouldntve been taking pics of me u weirdo, plus i was right when i said to nifesi that ur harmless lmao.
zaik ur my son i own u

cormac runs u son

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          `))))))|     |(((((('   zaiks a pussy btw
                /'     '\         he's not gonna get
               /'       '\        back at me for this
              /'         '\       lmao
             /'           '\

new opp pack in the air thats gas or what
smoking myashia (doxxed and bullied out of com, deleted her insta and facebook)
smoking jovontey/skroopz (basically bullied out of com)
smoking ezra evans/tokyosdead (forced out of com on threat of doxxing)
smoking all dead opps

was listening to doomshop records volume 2: most hated most underrated while i was making this lol, go check it out btw

link to the myashia and skroopz doxx:


"it is not how you obtain your information, but what you do with it that matters" - anonymous