---------------- ├ NAME : YASMIN MARIE BROTHERS ├ COUNTRY : UNITED KINGDOM ├ CITY : Milton keynes ├ Shcool : Stantonbury ├ Got fingerd in a park by her ex--- :Skull ├ into r4pe ├ Phone number - | 07771 157524 ---- : Her phone number ├ Tiktok | yayaa.x1 ├ Instagram | hrts4yas ├ Addy: 73 Hainault Ave, Giffard Park, Milton Keynes ├ - Roblox : ComicArrow ---------------- PARENTS ______ ├ NAME : Annie marie brothers, David Brothers ├ Facebook : Annie marie brothers / with child hood pic's of our victim yasmin - If your a menace message her mother on facebook LOL ├ Former bussines manager at dio ├ Former backstage studio leader at dior - June 2016 - 2019 ├ Family memeber - Berndaette Walsh - Milinovic / ├ Yasmins dead uncle -- Richard WoodCock / XDXDXD BLUD HAS COCK IN SECOND NAME LOLOOLOLOOLOLOL ------- RIP HER UNCLE We foreva smokin his pack 🚬🚬 --- Discord / | douhatemia Ex: Jacob Adam Michale Artish - / More Friends : Amirah . Hope / Blud has 2 friends Tiktok : amirahhh.xo1 \\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -----------,-| |C> // )\\\\| ,','| / || ,'/////| ---------,',' | (, || ///// || | \\ ||||//''''| || | ||||||| _| || |______ `````\____/ \ || | ,| _/_____/ \ || ,' ,' | / | ||,' ,' | | \ | _________|/ ,' | / j | | _____________,' ,',_____| | | | | ,',' | | | | | ,',' ____|_____/ / | | ,',' __/ | / | _____________|',' ///_/-------------/ | |===========,'