                  Greetings everyone! This is a story on a narcistical e-slut hoeing & dickriding around trying to entertain e-men that would never fuck with her. 
                                                   Also on her snaking many people her time has come. As i say, Enjoy the dox


          _____                                     Pick your fate...
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| .__________))______|                                     
| | / /      ||                                                              「A1」 
| |/ /       ||
| | /        ||.-''.                                            † Name : Leslie Lavorato
| |/         |/  _  \                                           † Age : 17
| |          ||  `/,|                                           † Height : 5'3       
| |          (\\`_.'                                            † Weight : N/A
| |         .-`--'.                                             † Alias's : Leslie, Guna, Gwuapa
| |        /Y . . Y\                                            † Ethnicity : Mexican
| |       // |   | \\                                           † Favorite Rapper: Kankan
| |      //  | . |  \\
| |     ')   |   |   (`
| |         |/ /   | |         n」
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    | |         / | | \
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|"|"""""""\ \       '"|"|
| |        \ \        | |
: :         \ \       : :  Leslie after seeing this...
. .          `'       . .

────────────────────────(0RGSDOFCJftli;:.:. .  )
 T""""""""""""""""""""T                                                       「B2」
 |;;:: .  .    .      |
 l;;;:. :   .     ..  ;
 `;;:::.: .    .     .'                                          † Number : 1-708-415-2318
  l;;:. ..  .     .: ;                                           † City : Chicago
  `;;::.. .    .  ; .'                                           † County : Cook
   l;;:: .  .    /  ;                                            † State : Illinois
    \;;:. .   .,'  /                                             † Postal Code : 60606
     `\;:.. ..'  .'                                              † Carrier : T-Mobile
       `\;:.. ..'                                       
         \;:. /
          l; f
          `;f'      Time is ticking leslie...                  
          ;: l
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(QB0ZDOLC7itz!;:.:. .  )
                                                      Current & Past Addresses
                                                429 6th Ave, La Grange, IL 60525  
                                                Cook County
                                                Current Address
                                                1441 Newcastle Ave, Westchester, IL 60154  
                                                Cook County
                                                (Jun 2016 - Jan 2020)