welcome welcome, this doxx will be about a tranny fucking pedo! keep in mind, the following person is the one of the most hideous, disgustig
looking abominations you'll find on here. our cp loving pedo here has aids, stds, and a bad case of being fugly

Name: Zackery Hartsel
Addy: 36455 Behm Dr North Ridgeville, OH 44039
his child molesting fathers name: Jeffery R Hartsel 
fathers number: 4402214746
mother: not present/druggie
his lesbo sisters name: holly hartsel

speaking of the infested stench coming from the stanky inbred family, heres some photos of zackery the fugly albino tranny fucker






more info: the weirdo owns cp and was talking about eating asshole, disgusting right? sucking dick and eating ass just says how much of a faggot this retard is.
beware of his teeth gap and receding hairline, faggot has a five o clock face with rancid breath and is cursed with that strong stench. 

he is also extremely into feminine boys as well, as femboy pedo himself I'm not even surprised, he is a mockery to the black community with his forced trashy accent and spits out
the n word through his crusty shit celled mouth like its nothing. 

heres his tranny side boyfriend who also looks like he crawled out of a bathtub filled with bigmacs
