DOX BY: M""MMMM""M M""MMMM""M M `MM' M M `MM' M dP .dP .d8888b. dP. .dP .d8888b. MM. .MM MM. .MM 88 d8' Y8ooooo. `8bd8' 88' `88 M .mm. M M .mm. M 88 .88' 88 .d88b. 88. .88 M MMMM M M MMMM M 8888P' `88888P' dP' `dP `88888P8 M MMMM M M MMMM M MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ REASON: three fat guys humiliate and ridicule others to make themselves feel better, and there were also fights. theyre also so homophobic and racist 🤡 ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ O)) O)))) O)) O) O))) O))))))O)) O)))) O))) O)) O)) O)) O)) O)) O)) O) )) O)) O)) O)) O)) O) O)) O)) O)) O)) O))O)) O) O)) O)) O))O)) O))O)) O)) O)) O)) O)) O))O)) O)) O)) O)) O))O)) O))O)) O)) O)) O)) O)) O))O)) O)))))) O)) O)) O))O)) O))O)) O) O)) O)) O)) O)) O)) O)) O)) O)) O)) O)) O)) O)) O)) O) )) O)))))))) O)))) O)))) O)) O)) O)) O)) O)))) O)) O)) GOSTIVAR - NORTH MACEDONIA ____________________________________________________________ _____ ___ ____ ____ _____ ___ _ _ _____ | ___| |_ _| | _ \ / ___| |_ _| / _ \ | \ | | | ____| | |_ | | | |_) | \___ \ | | | | | | | \| | | _| | _| | | | _ < ___) | | | | |_| | | |\ | | |___ |_| |___| |_| \_\ |____/ |_| \___/ |_| \_| |_____| -------------ALL---------INFO------------------------------- NAME: Agon Beshiri DAD: Burim Beshiri MOM: Alpina Fejzula Beshiri HOUSE LOC.: Belicica 69 (street) PHONE NUMBER: +38975434557 FACEBOOK: SNAPCHAT: agon_beshiri21 INSTAGRAM: agonbeshiri11 AGE: 16 BIRTHDAY: 13 August SCHOOL: Goce Delcev class 8/2 He also has a twin but hes good comparing to his brother 🤡 _____________________________________________________________ ____ _ _ ____ |___ \ | \ | | | _ \ __) | | \| | | | | | / __/ | |\ | | |_| | |_____| |_| \_| |____/ He's the one who gets into all this the most, he's always in the center and he's always the culprit in a given situation. ----------------ALL------INFO--------------------------------- NAME: Alejs Jusufi DAD: ??? MOM: N/A 🤡 PHONE NUMBER: +38972685217 FACEBOOK: SNAPCHAT: alejs_jusufi INSTAGRAM: alejs1326 AGE: 15 BIRTHDAY: February ?? SCHOOL: Goce Delcev class 8/2 ______________________________________________________________ _____ _____ _ _ |___ / |_ _| | | | | |_ \ | | | |_| | ___) | | | | _ | |____/ |_| |_| |_| Idc what u gonna do with this info but here u are :3 --------------ALL----INFO------------------------------------- NAME: Leart Ristemi DAD:Fisnik Ristemi GRANDFATHER: Bastri Ristemi MOM: N/A 🤡 PHONE NUMBER: +38970976433 FACEBOOK: SNAPCHAT: l_ristemi INSTAGRAM: leartristemi AGE: 16 BIRTHDAY: 30 January SCHOOL: Goce Delcev class 8/2 -------------HIS-ALL-PASSES------------------------------------ ig u can do anything u want with this, also tried to crack to his gmail but i cant do this dont know why 🤡🤡🤡 2 ROBLOX ACCS: User: Reset27733489 Pass: nikiniki2oi983 User: laflame_2021 Pass: erblin123 TWITCH: User: leartristemi Pass: NikiNiki2oi983 ROCKSTAR: User: Pass: NikiNiki2oi983 FORUM CFX: User: Pass: NikiNiki2oi983 AMAZON: User: 38970976433 Pass: NikiNiki2oi983 JOINHONEY User: Pass: NikiNiki2oi983 EPIC GAMES: User: Pass: NikiNiki2oi983 CHESS.COM User: leartristemi Pass: NikiNiki2oi983 RIOT GAMES: User: LERTZX Pass: NikiNiki2oi983 -----------SOME--SHIT-------------- Windows Version: Windows 10 Pro Windows Key: VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T User: DESKTOP-AFEQ798 RAM: 15GB DISK: 118GB HWID: 035E02D8-04D3-0553-AC06-010700080009 IP: City: Dolna Banjica Country: North Macedonia Region: Gostivar