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  - Michael(Dabo)- 

Name: Michael
Last Name: Aizner
Gender: Male
Address: Shad Binyamin | 58, Netanya
Postal Code: 42314
Discord Name: m1chaelxstar
Discord ID: 1205432156072185897

- Michael's Mother - 

Name: Dalit
Last Name: Aizner
Gender: Female
Phone Number: +972546368368
ID: 34887273
Address: Shad Binyamin | 58, Netanya
Postal Code: 42314
Birth Date: 26/07/1978
Email: djdalimusic@icloud.com
Mother's Name: Mazal
Mother's Phone Number: +972505686468 

- Dalit's Business Partner -

Name: Noa 
Last Name: Yaron Dayan
Gender: Female
Phone Number: +972552822118 
Second Phone Number: +972556659077
Address: Rabbi Tarpon 8, Bet Shemesh
Birth Date: 01/03/1972
Email: noaydayan@gmail.com 
Father's Name: Tzvi
Mother's Name: Root

Husband's Name: Yuval Dayan \ Yaron Dayan
ID: 23626757
Gender: Male
Address: Rabbi Tarpon 8, Bet Shemesh
Postal Code: 99082
Birth Date: 04/04/1968
Father's Name: Jacob
Mother's Name: Yeal
Mother's ID: 29371747

- Michael's Grandfather- 

Name: Rudi
Last Name: Aizner
Gender: Male
Address: Shad Binyamin | 58, Netanya
Postal Code: 42314
Birth Country: Romania
Birth Date: 15/03/1938
Father's Name: Label
Mother's Name: Monaca

- Pictures -

Dalit's Brother - https://ibb.co/GQ162w5
Michael - https://ibb.co/R6tn5c7
Michael - https://ibb.co/JrQM65L
Michael - https://ibb.co/VCvK4Pg
Michael's Grandfather - https://ibb.co/WypcC1q

Dalit's Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/djdali2?locale=he_IL

Reason For The Dox: spreading false rumors to damage the name, spreading details about people, harassing