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                                                        well respected where i come from                                                              
+ Intro
  * Reasons
   - TF2 cheater with an ego
   - Jokes about pedophilia (https://i.postimg.cc/VvQhd9qn/823476478234.jpg)
   - Says other people's users are shit, but has shit users himself?
   - Uses "nigga" when he's white?
   - "show me a band" \(^_^")/
   - Talk shit get hit

+ Personal Info

  - Name: Matthew Murphy Hopkins
  - DOB: June 26, 2006 (17 years old)
  - Gender: Male (planned HRT soon)
  - Nationality: American
  - Race: White
  - Phone Number: +1 (972) ???-0901
  - Home Address: 9548 Angleridge Rd, Dallas, Texas 75238 (Confirmation: https://i.postimg.cc/MKySbHXz/237894652875.png)
  - Education (School): Lake Highlands High School (9449 Church Rd, Dallas, Texas 75238) - Class of 2024 
  - Shoe Size: 13 US

 * Work
  - Strouderosa BBQ
   - Address: 9090 Skillman St Suite 174a, Dallas, Texas 75243 
   - Website: https://www[.]strouderosa[.]com/
   - Phone Number: +1 (469) 954-3333

+ Family

  * Mother
   - Name: Janna Murphy Hopkins
   - DOB: June 28, 1961 (62 years old)
   - Race: White
   - Phone Number (1): +1 (214) 708-8527 (NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS)
   - Phone Number (2): +1 (214) 729-0364 (NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS)
   - DL Number: 0002420950 (Issued: October 29, 2014)
   - SSN: 459-39-3989 (State: Texas, Year: 1977)
   - Email (1): schmoo897@yahoo.com
   - Email (2): schmoo897@gmail.com
   - Email (3): janna.hopkins@hotmail.com
   - Email (4): hopkinshome@sbcglobal.net
   - Instagram (1): https://www.instagram.com/schmoo897/
   - Instagram (2): https://www.instagram.com/rhettthetabbycat/
   - Youtube: https://youtube.com/@schmoo897

+ Image(s)

  - https://i.postimg.cc/cCync103/87623432.png
  - https://i.postimg.cc/J0NBYwz2/76253243.png
  - https://i.postimg.cc/0QJSmKRx/82638746234.png
  - https://i.postimg.cc/4xBpTTQC/283746234.png
  - https://i.postimg.cc/MGLRvbLd/28973423.png
  - https://i.postimg.cc/W3QMf66h/67253476354.png
  - https://i.postimg.cc/k5GKJhT2/267354234.png
  - https://i.postimg.cc/QdXcPM5k/67253467234.png

+ Online Info

 * Alias(es)
  - Dremel
  - ether
  - ether?
  - chougie
  - multicam
  - northwestzombiegirl
  - headprize
  - etherealpaw
  - snowmobile46
  - emerald46
  - slushshy
  - skushy

 * Email(s)
  - snowmobile46@gmail.com
   - google
   - lastfm
   - pinterest
   - vimeo
   - adobe
   - imgur
   - netflix
   - skype
    - ID: live:.cid.a477590234a28d0e
    - Name: matt no

 * Account(s)
  - https://steamcommunity.com/id/chougie (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198117798921)
  - https://twitter.com/LARPERDOG (https://twitter.com/i/user/1417277777816997888)
  - https://namemc.com/profile/multicam.4 (https://namemc.com/search?q=snowmobile46)
  - https://www.roblox.com/users/1918779037/profile
  - https://www.reddit.com/user/Snowmobile46/
  - https://www.furaffinity.net/user/snowmobile46
  - https://poshmark.com/closet/snowmobile46
  - https://open.spotify.com/user/snowmobile46

 * Google Account
  - ID: 108543980754680676382
  - Name: etherklg
  - Last Update: 2023-12-02 04:27:41 (UTC)
  - Maps/Reviews: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/108543980754680676382

 * Common Password(s)
  - matt626
  - snowy626

 * IP(s)
  - (Garland, Texas/AT&T)
  - (Dallas, Texas/AT&T)