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Title:tdot doxxx
Created:Feb 21st, 2021
Created by: smobam
Views: 465
Comments: 2
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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8 8 ad88888ba 88b d88 ,ad8888ba, 88888888ba db 88b d88 d8" 8 8 "8b 888b d888 d8"' `"8b 88 "8b d88b 888b d888 Y8, 8 8 88`8b d8'88 d8' `8b 88 ,8P d8'`8b 88`8b d8'88 `Y8a8a8a, 88 `8b d8' 88 88 88 88aaaaaa8P' d8' `8b 88 `8b d8' 88 `"8"8"8b, 88 `8b d8' 88 88 88 88""""""8b, d8YaaaaY8b 88 `8b d8' 88 8 8 `8b 88 `8b d8' 88 Y8, ,8P 88 `8b d8""""""""8b 88 `8b d8' 88 Y8a 8 8 a8P 88 `888' 88 Y8a. .a8P 88 a8P d8' `8b 88 `888' 88 "Y88888P" 88 `8' 88 `"Y8888Y"' 88888888P" d8' `8b 88 `8' 88 8 8 --------------------------------- Reason - Snitch, choose money over loyalty, used ppl for self gain. ---------------------------------- Name: Christian Smith Jr Mothers name: Christina L Mcdowell Age: 16 Mothers age: 46 Adress: 512 William Street, Elmira NY, 14901 ---------------------------------- Old adresses: 319 Owens Ave - Elmira Hts NY 14903 376 Norton St - Elmira NY 14901 363 Norton St, Unit B - Elmira NY 14901 ---------------------------------- Phone numbers: (607) 215-9901 (moms main) ZIP Code: 14901 Town: Elmira, New York Service Provider: Time Warner Cable Info Svce New York LLC-NY Emails: carson.is.gay1995@gmail.com | smith.christian0702@gmail.com Relationship status: Single Occupation: Federal Informant ???? Education: Dr Nathan Cohen Middle School Race: Black Net worth: nothing found ~ Income: nothing found ~ Longitude/latidude: 42.105630 (lat) | -76.801120 (long) IP: nothing found ~ ---------------------------------- Relatives: (fill dis space) ---------------------------------- Nicknames/Aliases: Eddi, Tdxtty, Tdot, BPL Teddi, Christian S, SMO Tdot (no longer SMO however) Credit Card info: nothing found ~ SSN: nothing found ~ Photos of victim: https://pasteboard.co/JPgF1PX.png Photo of mom: https://pasteboard.co/JPghQnJ.png Photo of search history: https://pasteboard.co/JPgicxj.png Twitter: nothing found ~ Discord: Tdxttyy????????#5836 | 807706717822779422 (user ID) Instagram: yktv.chr1s | https://pasteboard.co/JPgFzN8.png Fortnite clan insta: x21clan_ PSN: imagineChrxs Xbox: nothing found ~ YouTube: nothing found ~ Snapchat: shhmulaa Ex girlfriends snap: jasmineehsu21 | https://pasteboard.co/JPgkECb.png | https://pasteboard.co/JPgkQsH.png | ~ TikTok: nothing found ~ Spotify: nothing found ~ Twitch: nothing found ~ Reddit: nothing found ~ Steam: nothing found ~ ---------------------------------- Friends: Not being provided. ---------------------------------- Credit Scores/etc: nothing found ~ ---------------------------------- 88888888ba, ,ad8888ba, 8b d8 88888888ba 8b d8 88888888ba db 88b d88 88 `"8b d8"' `"8b Y8, ,8P 88 "8b Y8, ,8P 88 "8b d88b 888b d888 88 `8b d8' `8b `8b d8' 88 ,8P Y8, ,8P 88 ,8P d8'`8b 88`8b d8'88 88 88 88 88 Y88P 88aaaaaa8P' "8aa8" 88aaaaaa8P' d8' `8b 88 `8b d8' 88 88 88 88 88 d88b 88""""""8b, `88' 88""""""8b, d8YaaaaY8b 88 `8b d8' 88 88 8P Y8, ,8P ,8P Y8, 88 `8b 88 88 `8b d8""""""""8b 88 `8b d8' 88 88 .a8P Y8a. .a8P d8' `8b 88 a8P 88 88 a8P d8' `8b 88 `888' 88 88888888Y"' `"Y8888Y"' 8P Y8 88888888P" 88 88888888P" d8' `8b 88 `8' 88 ---------------------------------- 88888888ba 88 88888888ba 88888888ba ,ad8888ba, 888888888888 ,ad8888ba, 88 "8b 88 88 "8b 88 "8b d8"' `"8b ,88 d8"' `"8b 88 ,8P 88 88 ,8P 88 ,8P d8' `8b ,88" d8' `8b 88aaaaaa8P' 88 88aaaaaa8P' 88aaaaaa8P' 88 88 ,88" 88 88 88""""88' 88 88""""""' 88""""""8b, 88 88 ,88" 88 88 88 `8b 88 88 88 `8b Y8, ,8P ,88" Y8, ,8P 88 `8b 88 88 88 a8P Y8a. .a8P 88" Y8a. .a8P 88 `8b 88 88 88888888P" `"Y8888Y"' 888888888888 `"Y8888Y"' ---------------------------------- Message from Bam and Tecc: You a bitch, fuck you and ya psn acc's, fuck you and ya mom, fuck you and ya cops, fuck you and ya hoes, thas why ya pops locked up you dickhead - love tecc n bam <33 :). | ~ Title - Eddi/Tdot Dox. - SMO Bam -
3 years ago
3 years ago