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===========================[Quick Introduction]============================

Silent, (aka stereo) is a 15 year old wanna-be coder (skid) that threatens 
she can EDR anyone while dodging when asked to show a single .gov email.

She is always flexing the ability to code whilst getting her discord bot
crashed 20 times a day.

===========================[Personal Information]==========================

Name........: Anna
Surname.....: Valentina
Age.........: 15
Birthday....: July 25'th
Phone number: 721 251 234
Discord Username: @tokenlogger
Discord ID: 1198646698281545868


Street..................: Lesní 1058
City....................: Brandýs Nad Orlicí
State/province/area.....: Pardubický kraj
Zip code................: 561 12
Country calling code....: +420
Country.................: The Czech Republic

Discord: calcangetit
Discord: ew91cibhihn0dxbpzcbmdwnraw5nig5p
Discord: suic1da1