Blomy aka. Noopy, Noopy_x3 Bloomy, Bloomyday, Blomyday, P39Q, kittencel, BlomyTailJob and others names.

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> Dated malico/scarfcoal (malico/scarfcoal "pretended" to be a nazi, "owned" the @furryfollowing twitter account when it still existed)
> malico/scarfcoal sent porn and gore to minors which Tristan knew that they done this stuff and talk to them this day.)
> Tristan is also a very creepy for example of what she said: "i edged to spookupt's thighs"
> (she might be a changed person since he said that in April, so don't harrass her over that stuff)

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> Twitter: @ablomyday
> Private Twitter: @blompriv, @blomy_syndrome (inactive)
> Roblox: @fluffygoobr, @bl0my0, @P39Q
> Discord: Bloomyday (she changes it every month so it might change)

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> Name: Tristan Harrell Hart
> Email:
> Age: 15
> Appearance: mixed (white and black)
> Sexuality: Transgender, Poly and bisexual (or pansexual)
> City: San Diego
> Address: 4256 Coleman Avenue
> Zip code: 92154
> ISP: Cox

(probably gonna be my only "dox")
arpy out._ <3