║  Hello Trevor, it did not take me long to find you, a simple email led me   ║
║  here and ended up finding your entire family LAL, enjoy Skeet ban xD ROFL  ║

Emergency broadcast:

    Welcome to the dox of VHVH or should we say, Trevor Shashack. A 15 year old
    with a massive ego, insists on shittalking people he shouldn't. Grab your
    desired beverage and prepare for the screening.

=================================== Memes ====================================

    https://files.offshore.cat/Gl513lGZ.png -- Put a good word in for me @louv

    https://files.offshore.cat/22dXy3J6.png -- Shittalking while begging for mod??

    https://files.offshore.cat/P7Q3VLNZ.png -- Bipolar? Hates the cheat but switches up??

    https://files.offshore.cat/T8c5cDiq.png -- Yo! don't leak, I need to steal to feed myself!

    https://files.offshore.cat/EckHq3s7.png -- YO I'M EMO DON'T TALK TO ME!

    https://files.offshore.cat/G4awHYtc.png -- Your own friend wanted to snake you LAL

    https://files.offshore.cat/r2oPkVTA.png -- Scammed for your last bit of $$ shucks...

    https://files.offshore.cat/Sx8Fvusw.png -- Dickriding Skeet beta

║░░░║  PERSONAL INFORMATION ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ EBT ║  

Name ................ Trevor Shashack
Known as ............ VHVH1337 (Larp leet LAL), trevorlol, trevorseggs100, surwow
Date of Birth ....... 00/00/2007(8) -- DOB obtained from passwords in emails
Age ................. 15-16
SSN ................. N/A
DLN ................. N/A
Gender .............. Male (Sounds like a trans femboy)
Race ................ White
Height .............. 5'4" - 5'7"

Current address ..... 690 S Station Rd, Madison, IL 62034 [10/23/2021 to Current]

Previous addresses .. 20 Cherry Tree Ln, Madison, IL 62034 [06/01/2000 to 01/03/2024]
                      204 Franklin Ave, Madison, IL 62025 [06/01/2000 to 10/26/2023]
                      419 Hillsboro Ave, Madison, IL 62025 [05/15/2017 to 01/29/2022] -- Confirmed via DB leaks.

Email address(es) ... shackfam23@gmail.com | trevorsshashack@gmail.com

                        shackfam23@gmail.com    │ ─ Connected
                                                │   │──│ skype.com ── Skype Info
                                                │   │                  └──│ Name: bob farwell
                                                │   │                     │ ID: live:.cid.3515c5c3f1276539
                                                │   │                     │ Gender: Unspecified
                                                │   │                     │ PFP: N/A
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ microsoft.com 
                                                │   │──│ spotify.com
                                                │   │──│ twitter.com
                                                │   │──│ discord.com
                                                │   │──│ adobe.com
                                                │   │──│ Much more...
                                                │   │──│ google.com ── Gmail Info
                                                │                       └──│ Name: ajkfdj afadee
                                                │                          │ ID: 103599127234860347173
                                                │                          │ Last Update: 2024/02/22 20:30:29 (UTC)
                                                │                          │ PFP: N/A
                                                │──│ RealDudesInc
                                                │  └──│ Username: trevorseggs100
                                                │     │ Hash: $2a$10$F9jgHYDSya3BeTup4e9SLOz860HYxr4F35umSC2pk9piuxNjTjlKm
                                                │──│ OGUsers
                                                │  └──│ Username: trevorlol
                                                │     │ Hash: $argon2id$v=19$m=1048576,t=4,p=1$amh2RFUuSEpXMDRSVUpUQg$+OfcpMThcBKuxsUaB2kR6cANkcv+rXuNJZIALfMuLp0
                                                └──│ canva.com
                                                   └──│ Username: trevorsshashack
                                                      │ Name: Trevor Shashack
                                                      │ ID: N/A

                      trevorsshashack@gmail.com │ ─ Connected
                                                │   │──│ skype.com ── Skype Info
                                                │   │                  └──│ Name: Elaine Shashack
                                                │   │                     │ ID: live:.cid.b1be89250c9094eb
                                                │   │                     │ Gender: Unspecified
                                                │   │                     │ PFP: N/A
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ apple.com  
                                                │   │──│ facebook.com
                                                │   │──│ microsoft.com
                                                │   │──│ pinterest.com
                                                │   │──│ spotify.com
                                                │   │──│ amazon.com
                                                │   │──│ disneyplus.com
                                                │   │──│ Much more...
                                                │   │──│ google.com ── Gmail Info
                                                │                       └──│ Name: Trevor
                                                │                          │ ID: 100905133781872131158 
                                                │                          │ Last Update: 2024/02/22 20:30:30 (UTC)
                                                │                          │ PFP: https://files.offshore.cat/1oezDaSZ.jpg
                                                │                          └─│ Reviews: 1
                                                │                            └──│ Funny Review
                                                │                               └──│ Name: Bingshop Edwardsville
                                                │                                  │ Stars: 5
                                                │                                  │ Date: 3 years ago
                                                │                                  │ Comment: very good staff and stabbed 8 orphans with my new knife 
                                                └─│ Data leaks
                                                  │──│ Combos
                                                  │  └──│ Password: trevorsshashack123
                                                  │──│ flipd.gg
                                                  │  └──│ Username: surwow -- https://files.offshore.cat/Y8oNXgMv.png (Him trying to buy something)
                                                  │     │ Hash: $argon2id$v=19$m=1048576,t=4,p=1$bm5MYWYxV0F4TkVMNnBBMw$5+HxvukgtxXqhJEW2wVO0v+/g3B5TNFpQKAKdd+fO7s
                                                  │──│ ogusers.com
                                                  │  └──│ Username: surwow
                                                  │     │ IP: -- Alton, IL
                                                  │     │ Hash: $argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=4,p=1$RHhnMWwvaTRmSVZiNTdEYg$9alXpBC9RVmyvBdUvfRb2zW4ZhBhC7Yz9dpK68DIxvI
                                                  │──│ canva.com
                                                  │  └──│ Username: trevorsshashack
                                                  │     │ Name: trevor
                                                  │     │ Hash: $2a$10$YxfDFaqt6fDADpMicxE64.ZiEFLKyWTOEQhXDbrDaqJqN6eW9doAS
                                                  └──│ zynga.com
                                                     └──│ Username: Trevorsshashack
                                                        | Salt: 778632b6bc3769c3c787da62f8046e7b542c692e

Phone number(s) ..... (618) XXX-2833 [Registered to: (N/A)]

IP Address(es) ...... -- (Gave the most information, linked to DBs all over the place)
             -- (Also linked to many places, OGU, RDI, etc.)

Selfies ............. https://files.offshore.cat/EkewKVFF.png -- Young little Trevor

║░░░║       RELATIVES       ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ EBT ║  

Name ................ Elaine Marie Shashack  //LEGAL MOTHER
Known as ............ Elaine Shashack
Date of Birth ....... 03/10/1971
Age ................. 52
SSN ................. 489-94-8842
DLN ................. S22021371672
Gender .............. Female
Race ................ White
Height .............. 5'1" - 5'5"

Current address ..... 690 S Station Rd, Madison, IL 62034 [10/23/2021 to Current]

Previous addresses .. 20 Cherry Tree Ln, Madison, IL 62034 [06/01/2000 to 01/03/2024]
                      204 Franklin Ave, Madison, IL 62025 [06/01/2000 to 10/26/2023]
                      419 Hillsboro Ave, Madison, IL 62025 [05/15/2017 to 01/29/2022] -- Confirmed via DB leaks.

Email address(es) ... elaineshashack@gmail.com

                       elaineshashack@gmail.com │ ─ Connected
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ facebook.com
                                                │   │──│ spotify.com
                                                │   │──│ twitter.com
                                                │   │──│ discord.com
                                                │   │──│ adobe.com
                                                │   │──│ Much more...
                                                |   |──│ google.com ── Gmail Info
                                                │                       └──│ Name: Elaine Shashack
                                                │                          │ ID: 112267505902051904402
                                                │                          │ Last Update: 2024/02/18 05:59:22 (UTC)
                                                │                          │ PFP: N/A
                                                └─│ Data leaks
                                                  │──│ Combos
                                                  │  └──│ Password: Buster20088!
                                                  │     │ Password: buster20088
                                                  │     │ Password: buster2008
                                                  │──│ US PPL
                                                  │  └──│ Name: Elaine Marie Shashack
                                                  │     │ Address: 204 Franklin Ave, Madison, IL 62025
                                                  │     │ Note: Filed for bankruptcy.
                                                  │──│ allfeeds
                                                  │  └──│ Email: elaineshashack@gmail.com
                                                  │     │ Address: 419 Hillsboro Ave, Madison, IL 62025
                                                  │     │ Source: www.buzzvibez.com
                                                  │     │ IP: (2019-06-03 06:35:11)
                                                  │──│ mate1.com
                                                  │  └──│ Username: Football_m3318
                                                  │     │ Email: elaineshashack@gmail.com
                                                  │     │ DOB: 1971-03-10
                                                  └──│ verifications.io
                                                     └──│ Email: elaineshashack@gmail.com
                                                        │ Hash: 15179bc792595e7ce3903b57a99926f7ec004aef49a3020863f23af15f4dc064

Phone number(s) ..... (618) 656-6772 [Registered to: (Elaine Shashack)]
                      (618) 656-6772 [Registered to: (Elaine Shashack)]

IP Address(es) ......

Selfies ............. https://files.offshore.cat/hoaq3Oxc.png -- Roblox Korblox Update 2024!
                      https://files.offshore.cat/BJmUXfRZ.png -- Merry Christmas!

Socials ............. https://www.facebook.com/elaine.shashack

Relationship ........ Divorced
                        └──│ Kevin Scott Shashack

║░░░║       RELATIVES       ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ EBT ║  

Name ................ Kevin Scott Shashack //LEGAL FATHER
Known as ............ Kevin Shashack
Date of Birth ....... 12/07/1970
Age ................. 53
SSN ................. 359-58-0197
DLN ................. S22051770348
Gender .............. Male
Race ................ White
Height .............. 5'5" - 5'10"

Current address ..... 204 Franklin Ave, Madison, IL 62025 [03/23/2001 to Current]

Previous addresses .. 690 S Station Rd, Madison, IL 62034 [01/09/2015 to 11/01/2019]
                      294 Franklin Ave, Madison, IL 62025 [06/17/2015 to N/A]

Email address(es) ... kevinsshashack@gmail.com | kevinshashack@gmail.com

                       kevinsshashack@gmail.com │ ─ Connected
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ twitter.com  
                                                │   │──│ amazon.com
                                                │   │──│ facebook.com
                                                │   │──│ microsoft.com
                                                │   │──│ pinterest.com
                                                │   │──│ Much more...
                                                │   │──│ google.com ── Gmail Info
                                                │                       └──│ Name: Kevin Shashack
                                                │                          │ ID: 112442261027989489038 
                                                │                          │ Last Update: 2023/10/28 10:36:59 (UTC)
                                                │                          │ PFP: N/A
                                                └─│ Data leaks
                                                  │──│ Combos
                                                  │  └──│ Password: dorothygooddog1
                                                  │     │ Password: kevinshashack
                                                  │──│ USA Customers
                                                  │  └──│ Name: Kevin S Shashack
                                                  │     │ Address: 690 S Station Rd, Madison, IL 62034
                                                  │     │ Number: (618) 288-2039
                                                  │──│ twitter.com
                                                  │  └──│ Username: kevinsshashack1
                                                  │     │ Name: kelvinrox43
                                                  │──│ mate1.com
                                                  │  └──│ Username: shack0323
                                                  │     │ Email: kevinsshashack@gmail.com
                                                  │     │ Password: dorothygooddog1
                                                  └──│ data4marketers
                                                     └──│ IP: -- Alton, IL.

                        kevinshashack@gmail.com │ ─ Connected
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ twitter.com  
                                                │   │──│ facebook.com
                                                │   │──│ linkedin.com
                                                │   │──│ google.com ── Gmail Info
                                                │                       └──│ Name: kevin shashack
                                                │                          │ ID: 106884989807953440415 
                                                │                          │ Last Update: 2023/03/25 15:57:53 (UTC)
                                                │                          │ PFP: N/A
                                                └─│ Data leaks
                                                  │──│ Combos
                                                  │  └──│ Password: Starwar70
                                                  |     | Password: Starwars70
                                                  │──│ originalcruisegiveaway (LOL HE THOUGHT HE WAS GOING ON A FREE CRUISE HAHAHAHA)
                                                  │  └──│ Name: Kevin Scott Shashack
                                                  │     │ Email: kevinshashack@gmail.com
                                                  │     │ IP:
                                                  │     │ Location: Wood River, IL, 62095
                                                  │──│ twitter.com
                                                  │  └──│ Username: kevinshashack
                                                  │     │ Name: kevin shashack
                                                  │──│ mate1.com
                                                  │  └──│ Username: kevin6270
                                                  │     │ Email: kevinshashack@gmail.com
                                                  │     │ Password: Starwar70
                                                  │     │ DOB: 12/07/1970 
                                                  └──│ data4marketers
                                                     └──│ IP: -- Alton, IL.

Phone number(s) ..... (618) 795-4774 [Registered to: (Kevin Shashack)]
                      (618) 920-8836 [Registered to: (Kevin Shashack)]
                      (618) 307-5230 [Registered to: (Kevin Shashack)]

IP Address(es) ......

Selfies ............. https://files.offshore.cat/HdDJMVMC.webp -- HEY THERE LITTLE GIRL!

Memes ............... https://files.offshore.cat/Y0RXTEAj.png -- Kevin being a faggot LOL
                      https://www.wireclub.com/users/kevinshashack46 -- This entire thing is a meme itself LOL

Relationship ........ Divorced
                        └──│ Elaine Marie Shashack

║░░░║       SOCIALS         ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ EBT ║  

Instagram ........... trevorsshashack2007
Facebook ............ N/A
Twitter ............. N/A
Steam ............... http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199184825274
Youtube ............. https://www.youtube.com/@Vhvh
Gamesense ........... https://gamesense.pub/forums/profile.php?id=14241
Discord ............. stresseat (1208252622239174678) -- Use ID to find him, he's a cornball and runs often stop shittalking.

║░░░║       CREDITS         ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ EBT ║  

Thanks to Italy @ Doxbin for the template.

Thanks to all the gooners and goonettes that helped.

Huge thanks to Jordan who helped format all the emails how Italy does it <3.