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Title:schizo 3333
Created:Apr 19th, 2023
Created by: HEkkY [Criminal]
Views: 525
Comments: 2
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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Well Justin is an immature boy who can't keep his little mouth shut online, likes to play girls online by edating them and simply fucking them off aka misleading them, Justin also thinks he's a big brave boy! We know that there's a sweet heart behind all of that hardness Justin, you're just a boy who covers his persona up, so you don't show your true weak young soul, Justin loves his women, until it comes to the point where they break up... after that, ofcourse as every boy with a small dick. He trashtalks them, naughty naughty boy you've been Justin! Your exes said you deserve this dox, So I guess this dox is pretty reasonable, keep living in your parent's basement, It's sad how you were adopted and imported just to end up living in your foster parent's house! I know that you've been working but that's not enough boy, you gotta step up. I hope these emotional words make you reconsider your true self and maybe think twice before acting all tough and only being able to, Create group chats to talk to others, cause you know your friends will be backing you. We called you, from 2 different numbers, You didn't respond from neither ( if you plan to post those numbers they're already burned ;) ). So yeah Justin, have a good evening, And you'll be hearing from us soon! PEACE! ~ ▄︻デH̷E̷k̷k̷Y̷══━一 〈~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~〉 .__ .__..___..___..__. .___. . __ . .._.. ..__ . .__.. ..___ .___.. ..___ ._.. ..___..___.__ . ..___.___. 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1 year ago
1 year ago