$$$$$$$$\ $$\   $$\ $$$$$$$\         $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$$\       $$$$$$$\   $$$$$$\ $$\     $$\  $$$$$$\             $$$$$$\  
    $$  _____|$$$\  $$ |$$  __$$\       $$  __$$\ $$  _____|      $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\\$$\   $$  |$$  __$$\           $$ ___$$\ 
    $$ |      $$$$\ $$ |$$ |  $$ |      $$ /  $$ |$$ |            $$ |  $$ |$$ /  $$ |\$$\ $$  / $$ /  $$ |      $$\ \_/   $$ |
    $$$$$\    $$ $$\$$ |$$ |  $$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$$$$\          $$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$$ | \$$$$  /  $$$$$$$$ |      \__|  $$$$$ / 
    $$  __|   $$ \$$$$ |$$ |  $$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$  __|         $$  __$$< $$  __$$ |  \$$  /   $$  __$$ |            \___$$\    
    $$ |      $$ |\$$$ |$$ |  $$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$ |            $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |   $$ |    $$ |  $$ |      $$\ $$\   $$ |
    $$$$$$$$\ $$ | \$$ |$$$$$$$  |       $$$$$$  |$$ |            $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |   $$ |    $$ |  $$ |      \__|\$$$$$$  |
    \________|\__|  \__|\_______/        \______/ \__|            \__|  \__|\__|  \__|   \__|    \__|  \__|           \______/ 
Story of Raya Malloy. One day, Raya joined discord.com, and she had joined #0001 typed discord servers, and wanted to make friends inside of them. While begging
for eboys attention, Raya would do anything to obtain it. She would make fansigns, beg, and even try stalking as well. She was a ewhore, and became 'known' in her eyes,
because people would give her the attention for being a ewhore without her having to ask anymore. She's always tried to have an ego with anyone, despite being completely
unknown everywhere and anywhere other then being a slut for people online. She's incredibly desperate and would probably even esex a fly. She's always tried talking shit
and even getting on alts trying to pretend to be other people to back herself up. Calls people 'harmless', while she cannot even name anything of any sort that includes
'harming', or 'intimidating' people. She sucked up to 'com boys' to receive attention, and 'protection', and received little to 0 due to her being an annoying egirl.
She was leaked online, and at her school for her silly actions online, and even made fansigns to try getting out of it, yet denying everything was true (it is), she would
make new accounts and go by different names to hide herself. She was not very good at it, and never will be. Please find a boy who likes you for you, IRL, because online
dating is clearly not your thing. Last but not least, Raya if you're reading this, please stop trying to make money off giving out your discord user, nobody wants too talk
to you that badly. 
Have a nice day everyone, and enjoy. 
                                                    1: Mentally disabled, with a high ego
                                                    2: Annoying "comgirl"
                                                    3: Catfishes, even catfishes nude pictures. 
                                                     : ̗̀➛  0x00 Introduction..............................
                                                     : ̗̀➛  0x01 Identity..................................
                                                     : ̗̀➛  0x02 Personal Information......................
                                                     : ̗̀➛  0x03 Socials................................... 
                                                     : ̗̀➛  0x04 Relatives.................................
                                                     : ̗̀➛  0x05 Parents Info..............................
                                                     : ̗̀➛  0x06 Credits...................................
                                                                   where to reach me ? 
[ 0x01                          Identity                                                                                                                        ]
 » Full name  : Raya (?) Malloy 
  » Pseudonyms: Raya, Slave (her previous #0001 tag), Paw, Paws, Tay, Taylor
 » Age        : 16
 » Height     : 5'4
 » Race       : Brown / Mexican
 » Weight     : 150+
 » Religion   : Christian 
 » Sexuality  : Straight
 » Affiliation: Democratic
[ 0x02                          Personal Information                                                                                                            ]
 » Address   : 2360 1st Ave Apt 10G, NY, NY
 » Phone #   : +1 (646) 525 8703 (may be outdated) 
 » Images    : dm on on telegram
[ 0x03                          Socials                                                                                                                         ]
 » Discord   : (?)
 » Snapchat  : lovcurses 
 » Instagram : swwuffers
[ 0x04                          Relatives                                                                                                                       ]
Adele Malloy 
 » Address : 420 E 111th St, New York, NY 10029 3042
 » Phone # : (212) 828-0635
 » Emails  : adele01091988@jabble.com
Steven L Washington 
 » Address : 42 Freedom Ter Palmer, PA 18045 7442
 » Phone # : (212) 368-0927
 » Emails  : (?)
Berthal M Washington 
 » Address : 325 Livingston Ave Albany, NY 12206 3219 
 » Phone # : (518) 426-0393
 » Emails  : (?)
Carolyn Washington 
 » Address : 1041 Monticello Dr Monroe, GA 30655 5693 
 » Phone # : (518) 470-3221
 » Emails  : dozierw123@gmail.com / dozier.washington@bellsouth.net
[ 0x05                         Parents Info                                                                                                                     ]
Mother   : Teara S Malloy
  » Emails  :  teebabybx@gmail.com / tiaramalloy6@gmail.com / tearamalloy6@gmail.com
  » Phone # : (917) 686-6462
  » Address : yaddress: 2360 1st Ave Apt 10G, New York, NY (40.799400,-73.932400)
 » Socials  : (Mothers)
  » Twitter : Luvalotcandles6
[ 0x06                         Credits                                                                                                                          ]
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