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name: Petr Valek
age: 16
address: Jiřího z Poděbrad 3109
telephone number: (+420) 775 848 721
telephone number on his mom: (+420) 776 167 432
city: Frýdek-Místek

- he doesn't have a dad
- fucked with an underage gypsy girl
-He wanted to fuck a dog
- they have incest in the family
- wears the same shorts several days in a row and also socks
-doesn't wash well either
- wears Nike tech fleece
-his family goes with a circus and he sells cotton candy there
- his mother is a gold digger and as soon as they returned to the Czech Republic, she had a new boyfriend
-his mom has all three kids with other guys
-sold weed in England
moment in the Czech Republic
-he has a small dick and can't fuck