polish fucked up pedo
Bartosz Ufnal
he calls himself "sock's mafia"
there is shit ton of photos of children and grown women, which i assume where taken by him,
you can find also tied up or naked kids

he has a collection of used socks, he ties himself up using them
he might have some mental disorders

regio: mazovia
city: Zielonka
house: Moniuszki 5
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@BartoszUfnal-ol8ny
on his channel you get get all of the link to his social media but i will put them here anyway
steam : https://steamcommunity.com/groups/winxwitchtotallyspies
steamdb : https://steamdb.info/calculator/76561199003638675/?cc=pl
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bartosz.ufnal.3/
google photos: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOTQWTV6sZvc5LRsYevbRU8j3pA_e1rJ8jrbMw_iId901Z2EfW7jUOwRxwDyzPMDQ?key=eld1MlhxOUhJQ1NrWDFSVGtZeG5rd2ZHNERPUENB

Bartosz Ufnal, pedofil
ma wymyslona "skarpetkowa mafie"
jest od cholery zdjec dzieci i kobiet, czesc zrobiona chyba na plazy nudystow,
zwiazane dzieci tez sa
kolekcjonuje uzywane i nowe dzieciece skarpetki, rajstopy i sie nimi związuje
prawdopodobnie jest chory psychicznie
wiem ze pod adresem jest hurtownia ale wystarczy opinie przeczytać

miasto: Zielonka (mazowieckie)
adres: Moniuszki 5
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@BartoszUfnal-ol8ny
on his channel you get get all of the link to his social media but i will put them here anyway
steam : https://steamcommunity.com/groups/winxwitchtotallyspies
steamdb : https://steamdb.info/calculator/76561199003638675/?cc=pl
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bartosz.ufnal.3/
google zdjecia: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOTQWTV6sZvc5LRsYevbRU8j3pA_e1rJ8jrbMw_iId901Z2EfW7jUOwRxwDyzPMDQ?key=eld1MlhxOUhJQ1NrWDFSVGtZeG5rd2ZHNERPUENB

i hope he gets what he deserves :DDDD