____    __  _   ___   
                                                                                                /\_ ,`\ /\ \/'\ /'___\ 
                                                                                                \/_/  /_\/>  <//\ \__/ 
                                                                                                /\____\/\_/\_\ \____\

                                                                                            ║   -= Table Of Contents =-   ║
                                                                                            ║                             ║
                                                                                            ║       0x0 - Intro           ║                           
                                                                                            ║                             ║
                                                                                            ║       0x1 - Personal        ║
                                                                                            ║       0x2 - Contacts        ║
                                                                                            ║       0x3 - Photos/Face     ║
                                                                                            ║                             ║

                                                                                            ║                             ║
                                                                                            ║ Hello, today on the menu    ║ 
                                                                                            ║ I have a pedo-baiting girl  ║
                                                                                            ║ Who shittalks the country   ║ 
                                                                                            ║ that she lives in herself.  ║ 
                                                                                            ║                             ║  
                                                                                            ║ Lying about her age, almost ║
                                                                                            ║ always saying shes of age,  ║
                                                                                            ║ when she really is not.     ║
                                                                                            ║                             ║ 
                                                                                            ║  Enjoy!                     ║


                                                                                             Name.....: Annabel Vinks
                                                                                             RU Name..: Aннабель Винкс

                                                                                             Age......: MTMK (base64)
                                                                                             Location.: Antalya, TR
                                                                                             School...: Z.Marsel-Z.Denizhan




                                                                                              Telegram....: @Ti1oshara                       
                                                                                              Insta.......: privetpupsik866
                                                                                              Tiktok......: salam_cnm
                                                                                              Tiktok......: privet_pupsik866                       

                                                                                              Phone Number: +905468273292
                                                                                              Mail........: m*******7@gmail



                                                                                              Insta: offshore.cat/NBHM3weD
                                                                                             Tiktok: offshore.cat/RhU1Xl00
