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Title:official corrected dox @eva @badguynessie
Created:Jun 5th, 2024
Created by: hytech
Views: 738
Comments: 32
Edited at: Jul 8th, 2024
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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@badguynessie and @eva most recent update: https://fastupload.io/3f00f71b4d313638 proving his number is infact real from the person who made him a victim, (it was posted in a server) also ran a reverse search lookup, found out it's registered to his parents, posting their info soon (UPDATED) **added nessie info into a host that cant be taken down. *ADDED INFORMATION: @eva: ID picture leaked from her icloud: found her ID picture on her iCloud leak taken on the following date: 20/03/2024 https://fastupload.io/e384185936713065 (UPDATE 2) nessie keeps taking down his links so heres a winrar folder with the media shared here: https://files.offshore.cat/fa5J8Pxc.rar https://files.offshore.cat/fa5J8Pxc.rar https://files.offshore.cat/fa5J8Pxc.rar https://files.offshore.cat/fa5J8Pxc.rar **added leaked conversations of him being horny and freaky :P : https://files.offshore.cat/bZ1gt4PK.rar ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ \__| $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ _____|$$ _____|$$ |$$ __$$\ $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$\ $$ |$$$$$$$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ ____| \____$$\ \____$$\ $$ |$$ ____| $$ | $$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$ |$$ |\$$$$$$$\ \__| \__| \_______|\_______/ \_______/ \__| \_______| i was not gonna make this but some ''youtuber'' pulled the trigger i needed to bring this up for the cs2 hvh community a youtuber who goes by @badguynessie recently posted a video about a girl who goes around catfishing, but the video was so misleading i had to either post on my youtube channel or on doxbin, and that is where we are at now nessie was one of the victims, and tried to shift everything on other people in his video, as a coping mechanism. here is a catch up story, i have been watching the whole thing fold for a while. Nessie was catfished by this girl and another guy 2 years ago and he has been hurt ever since. reliable source of information provided screenshots of him sending money to this girl, as well being romantic with her, and im only doing this because he is a pathological liar and an unreliable source of information, PS: No one likes him Real name: Cam phone number: +49 178 2099795 pictures: https://fastupload.io/15b75e20dee2d7a6 (pfp used when he was inlove with that girl) whatsapp profile picture: https://fastupload.io/03f79144a7f89be2 (this guy threatens to beat up anyone, but having a clear look, that man will get beaten up by my 14year old son) https://fastupload.io/5b4dbdb134610101 here is KING nessie as a baby >.< (every leak above was shared onto servers i just got ahold of them before they were deleted, and it's 100% accurate as I confirmed myself.) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$ __$$\\$$\ $$ |\____$$\ $$$$$$$$ |\$$\$$ / $$$$$$$ | $$ ____| \$$$ / $$ __$$ | \$$$$$$$\ \$ / \$$$$$$$ | \_______| \_/ \_______| now lets jump to EVA, she has been ratted a few times but her information has only been gathered up, and to be honest i never planned to post but this nessie guy lacks a lot of braincells and cannot provide accurate proof. the video was misleading as i have strong proof that she is the actual girl on the pictures/ videos she sent. i do agree she catfishes vulnerable people for her own good, one of her biggest hits was (discord:zackaryx1) who has been catfished countless times, one of them being a guy called amanda who never showed up when he flied to her). she lied about her real name, age, but surprisingly upon a deep check the pictures are hers and matches her ID photo that is leaked in a national leak website that exposes everyone's documents in Portugal and this is what this dox is for. real name: Mariana Costa Silva (confirmed) (aveiro, arrifana, rua burgo de ryfana 214 FRA 3700-400 age: 26 , 06/09/1997 phone number: +351 912762690 discord id: 718426623644532798 School: University of Porto Course: archeology & arts, 3rd year, University Campus Room 96 (knock on her door) Mom's name (deceased in 2017): Maria Emilia Alves da Silva Dad's name (deceased in 2017): Kaio Morteira Silva Brother: Micael Alves da Silva (28) Sister (location Brazil) : ayana alves da silva, Sao paulo, Rua da fortaleza 102 pictures: https://fastupload.io/460a48ca8cc349c9 (baby eva :O) https://fastupload.io/bb59de305d8e53c4 https://fastupload.io/cd6c0714fd54f0fd https://fastupload.io/9d4b1fd00b5d24f3 https://fastupload.io/04b9b3514c7eda8e a message to eva: good job for fucking up the hvh community but sometimes its too much a message to nessie: before you make a video do proper research and call yourself a victim before you get called one. ___________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | (_) | |__ _ _| |_ ___ ___| |__ __ ___ _ __ | '_ \| | | | __/ _ \/ __| '_ \\ \ /\ / / | '_ \ | | | | |_| | || __/ (__| | | |\ V V /| | | | | |_| |_|\__, |\__\___|\___|_| |_(_)_/\_/ |_|_| |_| __/ |
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