__    __                                                __        _______   _______    ______            
/  |  /  |                                              /  |      /       \ /       \  /      \           
$$ |  $$ |  ______   ________   ______    ______    ____$$ |      $$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  | __    __ 
$$ |__$$ | /      \ /        | /      \  /      \  /    $$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |/  \  /  |
$$    $$ | $$$$$$  |$$$$$$$$/  $$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$  \/$$/ 
$$$$$$$$ | /    $$ |  /  $$/   /    $$ |$$ |  $$/ $$ |  $$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ | $$  $$<  
$$ |  $$ |/$$$$$$$ | /$$$$/__ /$$$$$$$ |$$ |      $$ \__$$ |      $$ |__$$ |$$ |__$$ |$$ \__$$ | /$$$$  \     By Giiusee1x
$$ |  $$ |$$    $$ |/$$      |$$    $$ |$$ |      $$    $$ |      $$    $$/ $$    $$/ $$    $$/ /$$/ $$  |
$$/   $$/  $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$$/  $$$$$$$/ $$/        $$$$$$$/       $$$$$$$/  $$$$$$$/   $$$$$$/  $$/   $$/ 

║|[+] Doxed By: Giiusee1x & flaffo║
║|[+] Cause: Fake Hacker and friend║
║|[+] Username: null543
║|[+] Display Name: giangiuanni
║|[+] ID: 1009593266456498258
║|[+] Token: MTAwOTU5MzI2NjQ1NjQ5ODI1OA.G-0Y_K.T2z1a7SKKdQ5ARLEbVtFU50t13gRo9Egmp_yIA
║|[+] E-Mail: giovanniantonicelli1986@gmail.com
║|[+] Password: X
║|[+] IP:
║|[+] Name: GIANNI
║|[+] OS: Windows
║|[+] Windows Key: X
║|[+] VPN Y/N: No
║|[+] Phone Number: +39 350 076 1059
║|[+] Brand: Samsung A14
║|[+] Operator: Iliad
║|[+] Last Name: Giovanni
║|[+] First Name: Antonicelli
║|[+] Screen Of His Face: https://imgur.com/a/cGJWqh1 , https://imgur.com/a/FJjzCl5 , Fake Hackers Video https://imgur.com/a/PIYYH2r , https://imgur.com/a/53rTpuq
║|[+] Age: 16 
║|[+] Mother Y/N: Carmela Gentile
║|[+] Father Y/N: Antonino Antonicelli
║|[+] Brother Y/N: Francesco Antonicelli
║|[+] Sister Y/N: X
║|[+] Step Sister Y/N: Serena Mianulli
║|[+] Step Brother Y/N: Mirko Mianulli
║|[+] Continent: Europa
║|[+] Country: Italia
║|[+] Postal Code: 74121
║|[+] City: Taranto
║|[+] Address: X
╓───────────────────────More Information──────────────────────╖
║+────────────Account Info────────────+
║|[+] PayPal Account: EMAIL: antonicelli PASSWORD: gianni54545454  
║|[+] Fortnite Account: EMAIL: antonicelligianni29@gmail.com PASSWORD: gianni54545454
║|[+] Fortnite Account 2: USERNAME: shadow_og345 PASSWORD: gianni54545454
║|[+] Roblox Account: USERNAME: imverilucky345 PASSOWRD: gianni54545454
║|[+] Google Account: EMAIL: nullk042@gmail.com PASSWORD: null54545454
║|[+] Google Account: EMAIL: giovanniantonicelli1986@gmail.com PASSWORD: gianni54545454
║|[+] His mother's license: USERNAME: GENTILE PASSOWRD: carmen02
║|[+] TLauncher Account: USERNAME: GianniPec345 PASSWORD: gianni54545454
║|[+] Xbox Account: EMAIL: giovanniantonicelli7@gmail.com PASSWORD: gianni54545454