     # }|{  #
< Lish > < Cali > 
Name: Michelle Davis
Phone number: +1 5139159914
  4125 Vannest Ave Middletown, OH 45042, USA
  4702 Beechwood Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45244, USA
Query: stephanie30bradford@gmail.com
Found: 3
  exactis.com (2018-06-01) (Credit status information, Dates of birth, Education levels, Email addresses, Ethnicities, Family structure, Financial investments, Genders, Home ownership statuses, Income levels, IP addresses, Marital statuses, Names, Net worths, Occupations, Personal interests, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Religions, Spoken languages)
In 2020, a dataset containing nearly a quarter of a billion records, covering more than 400 different areas, came online. It was originally incorrectly attributed to database marketing company Acxiom. The data contained nearly 52 million unique email addresses.
Email:  stephanie30bradford@gmail.com
date:  20200506
Date of birth(day):  0
Month of birth:  0
Year of birth:  0
House number:  4702
Address:  4702 Beechwood Rd
Timezone:  E
Religion code:  P
Language:  E1
State:  OH
City:  Cincinnati
Latitude:  39.116500
Longitude:  -84.302800
Year the house was built:  0
Postal code:  45244
Nationality:  W
Cats:  U
Dogs:  Y
Surname:  BRADFORD
Surname:  L
Amount of children:  U
Link:  myautoloansavings.com
Region:  Hamilton
  modbsolutions.com (2016-10-01) (Credit status information, Dates of birth, Education levels, Email addresses, Ethnicities, Family structure, Financial investments, Genders, Home ownership statuses, Income levels, IP addresses, Marital statuses, Names, Net worths, Occupations, Personal interests, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Religions, Spoken languages)
In October 2016, a large Mongo database file containing tens of millions of accounts was shared on Twitter. The database contained more than 58 million unique mails, as well as IP addresses, names, home addresses, gender, job titles, dates of birth, and phone numbers. The data is attributed to "Modern Business Solutions," which is a company that provides data storage and database hosting solutions.
Email:  stephanie30bradford@gmail.com
Registration date:  2016-09-20T05:35:00.733Z
Name:  Stephanie
Surname:  Bradford
Floor:  F
Query: stephanie30bradford@gmail.com
Photo https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocL4XB75-rPjj1SingK6moVwnMnAKtlPc6DPnmpnGC0f=mo
Name Stephanie Bradford
Id 112085000412785925940
Last update 2023-03-27 20:17:18 (UTC)
  google maps: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/112085000412785925940
  google calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=stephanie30bradford@gmail.com
  google plus archive: https://web.archive.org/web/*/plus.google.com/112085000412785925940*