get doxed pedo

Personal Details:
Country: New Zealand
Address: 241 Windsor Avenue
State: Whangarei
Gender: Male
Phone:  +64  (029) 4032-859
Age: 26
City: Parahaki
Postal code: 7107
Date of birth: 25-3-1997
Tech details

Known passwords: sJzZIP+K}2Gk
Usernames: trent27
IPV6: debe:d8d9:6993:daed:5890:775f:42dc:9f1f
MAC Address: 6c60:10f3:fa6:a1de:16d3:3894:34bd:811d
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20130504 Firefox/37.0
Reason: Keep sending porn to children and being a disgusting pedo.