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Title:microlender from Dolgoprudny
Created:Apr 10th, 2024
Created by: MoZuPpEr
Views: 285
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Well, greetings to everyone who reads this paste, gentlemen. I came across one carder, also a microlender, whom I dox. Kirill, I say hello to you, if you try to insult me in any other way, I will just SWAT, which is what I wish others to do) INFORMATION NAME: СТРАХОВ КИРИЛЛ АНДРЕЕВИЧ DATE OF BIRTH: 02.03.2008 PLACE OF STUDY: ГБПОУ МО "ФИЗТЕХ-КОЛЛЕДЖ" (Московская область, г. Долгопрудный, пл. Собина, д. 1) PHONE: +79253765389 SNILS: 16576829523 ADRESS: Россия, Московская область, Долгопрудный (NOT FULL) EMAIL/GMAIL: kirillstrahov4@gmail.com / keiwiqkaka@halanaj.com INST: https://instagram.com/kirill_king007 VK: https://vk.com/id586788641 MOTHER: Страхова Ирина * FATHER: Страхов Андрей * Thank you all for reading and I ask this guy to dox too, because he's too nasty on the internet. Good luck!