a hello to my friend boris and nassir

first of all,

gf is selling CP, the boyfriend is selling drugs to kids for sex. furthermore, please report their Twitter, Instagram, prank their numbers and scare gf for life.
the children who suffered the abuses will feel great!

my sister Ana was one of them :/ you can search in Google for more information, it was in Sorocaba

ps: feel free to add more to this text.

Name: Sophia Keren Pereira de Oliveira
Age: 18 years
Brazillian Id: 496.862.378-01
Phone number: +055(11)976600851
Possibly Address: Av. Cel. Sezefredo Fagundes, 1410 - Tucuruvi, São Paulo - SP, 02306-001
Social Media:
- Instagram: [sophi_keke](https://www.instagram.com/sophi_keke?igshid=YTQwZjQ0NmI0OA==)
- Spotify: [Spotify Profile](https://open.spotify.com/user/31eqs6wii2olwfplnxm2s3ippfxe?si=oYnCd2kOT72oNgpOM5AYWg)
- TikTok: pereira.oliveira9
- Twitter: [AgathaTriste_10](https://x.com/agathatriste_10?t=xCiznywJhvtWy891QbzYaw&s=09)
Additional Information:
Boyfriend: Gabriel Alves
Boyfriend's Phone number: +055(11)957453848

he studies in fatec sorocaba and it's enrolled in ads, going to the third period.
scare him.
Boyfriend's Social Media:
- Instagram: [gasbiel27](https://www.instagram.com/gasbiel27?igshid=YTQwZjQ0NmI0OA==)
- Twitter: [BielAlves_AK](https://x.com/BielAlves_AK?t=r1vh1kd6JK1i9_cWtRdd0w&s=09)
- Spotify: [Spotify Profile](https://open.spotify.com/user/11vng8nnk36jix2cw6cipjewn?si=ThbWV5AvR0i9_cWtRdd0w)