father:sergae valilscikova
mother:laila valilscikova
brother:lexa valilscikova
name:olegs valilscikova-my father
he has done a lot of bad things such as killing someone.giving my family trauma and degrading my sister when she was 15 js trying to pass school.
lives:europe,latvia,jekapils(lives in uk,enlgand,kings lynn for a couple years),near depo,beta and a daycare
school he used to go to: Jekabpils 2. vidusskola
He's physcially and mentally hurt my mother who was trying to protect me and my older sister..
made police come to our house all the time
drug addict
/alchoholic,drinks for 2 weeks straight then stops for a couple days and goes again
/almost died from overdose,high risk of death currently
he was being weird and said that my ass and boobs were nice and growing...?
mothers number:+371 26 743 678
olegs number:(unknown with the fact he broke too many phones he gets a new one every month and breaks it again:

-----mothers facebook:lailq valilscikova
-----fathers facebook:Сергей Валильщиков
-----brothers facebook:Lexa Valilscikovs
-----all different facebook accounts from oleg:Olegs Valilscikovs
Олег Валилшчиков


do whatever u wish..he does not deserve to be here for such cruel behaviour.ruining peoples lives.innocent people..
do whatever it takes to make him regret what he did to my family please i was only a little girl when i watched all the trauma..