magik1x Dox, REASON: had to go. Him- Full Name: Alex Biring Education: Southampton City College (If Its Wrong Call Different Schools/Colleges And Find Him) Occuption: Sells HWID Spoofers Age: 17 Race: Indian Address: 46 Cobbett Road, Southampton, SO18 1HL Alias Social Media- Twitter: magik1x Discord: magikq Real Social Media- Instagram: alexbiring06 Snapchat: alexb.2106 (may be wrong was given this my one of his friends) Photos- Father- Full Name: Mr. Rajinder Biring Address: 46 Cobbett Road, Southampton, SO18 1HL Age: 54 years 6 months, and 3 weeks old at the time of dox Occopuation: [unknown] Photos- drivers license: Mother- Not yet obtained (Will be updated once more information is found)