IP: Country:United States of America Region:Nebraska City:Lincoln Coordinates of City:40.800000, -96.666960 (40°47'60"N 96°40'1"W) ISP: Windstream Communications LLC Local Time:18 Jul, 2020 04:28 PM (UTC -05:00) Domain: windstream.com Net Speed:(DSL) Broadband/Cable/Fiber/Mobile ZIP Code:68501 addy Lincoln, NE 68516 FAGS INSTAGRAM @itslillythegirl HER FRIEND DISCORD PlushieLolbit#5593 reason for this dox she came into my dms saying i live in Virginia and saying she can swat me when she had my vpn and i told her to swat me she didnt lol sped ur harmless doxxed by @sinister.bots