Name: Jessica Ryan/ Jessica Bourgeois Address: 26 Mattity Road, North Smithfield, RI 02896+9518 Phone Number: 401-766-2513 Email address: Facebook: FAMILY MEMBERS: Husband Name: Timothy Bourgeois Husband Address: 26 Mattity Road, North Smithfield, RI 02896+9518 Phone Number: 401-766-2513 Phone Type: Landline Carrier: Verizon No social media presence Daughter name: Mia Ryan Same address Instagram: Snapchat username: i3.cupids Reason for dox: Is mentally ill, and wants to go around telling people that my stepdad sexually assualted me when I was younger. I have never told her anything similiar to that, and my stepdad has never sexually assualted me or even laid a hand on me. So go ahead and keep lying, it really makes you look like the psychopath you are.