__                  __                     
|  \                |  \                    
| $$  ______    ____| $$  ______    ______  
| $$ |      \  /      $$ /      \  /      \ 
| $$  \$$$$$$\|  $$$$$$$|  $$$$$$\|  $$$$$$\
| $$ /      $$| $$  | $$| $$    $$| $$  | $$
| $$|  $$$$$$$| $$__| $$| $$$$$$$$| $$__| $$
| $$ \$$    $$ \$$    $$ \$$     \ \$$    $$
 \$$  \$$$$$$$  \$$$$$$$  \$$$$$$$  \$$$$$$$
                                        | $$
                                        | $$
 ➤name: Хабибулин Ратмир Рустамович
   ➣gender: male
    ➣appearance: Asian
     ➣race: white

 ➤sim-number: +7 (963) 131-84-60
   ➣sim-operator: Билайн
    ➣build: 27316246727690

 ➤Country: Россия
   ➣city: Нефтекамск
    ➣adres: Россия, Башкортостан Респ, г Нефтекамск, 452687, Комсомольский пр-кт, д. 37А, кв. 32
 __  __            __                 
|  \|  \          |  \                
| $$ \$$ _______  | $$   __   _______ 
| $$|  \|       \ | $$  /  \ /       \
| $$| $$| $$$$$$$\| $$_/  $$|  $$$$$$$
| $$| $$| $$  | $$| $$   $$  \$$    \ 
| $$| $$| $$  | $$| $$$$$$\  _\$$$$$$\
| $$| $$| $$  | $$| $$  \$$\|       $$
 \$$ \$$ \$$   \$$ \$$   \$$ \$$$$$$$ 

➤vkontakte-link: vk.com/id646862854
   ➣vkontakte-id: 646862854
    ➣vkontakte-name: Nikita Fowndnakeb
     ➣registration-date: 28.03.2021 19:29

 ➤telegram-link: t.me/ladeqowned1337
   ➣telegram-username: @ladeqowned1337
    ➣telegram-id: 5865865522
     ➣active-profile: true
   ➣variety-of-messages: 83,57% 
     ➣type-of-message: 76,59% replay and 8,78% media
      ➣registration-date: 18.02.2023

 ➤tiktok:  ID аккаунта: 7031969021592241154
  ➣ Имя: Ladeq
   ➣Никнейм: @ladeqowned
    ➣ Страна: Германия 🇩🇪
     ➣ Язык в приложении: Русский
      ➣ Дата изменения имени: 08.01.2024 23:32
       ➣  Дата изменения никнейма: не изменялся
    ➣Account Statistics:
     ➣Subscribers: 418
      ➣Subscriptions: 671
       ➣Likes: 13.5k
     ➣Uploading Videos: open to all
      ➣Comments: open to all
       ➣Stitching: open to all
        ➣Duets: open to all
         ➣forever-link: https://www.tiktok.com/@MS4wLjABAAAAXHSjixchnzIUFlzetybTAaZ8bg9uGfFiI32NnOHtvRbA8twmpWhTZMEbeHIReibS 
  ______             __      __                           
 /      \           |  \    |  \                          
|  $$$$$$\ ______  _| $$_   | $$____    ______    ______  
| $$_  \$$|      \|   $$ \  | $$    \  /      \  /      \ 
| $$ \     \$$$$$$\\$$$$$$  | $$$$$$$\|  $$$$$$\|  $$$$$$\
| $$$$    /      $$ | $$ __ | $$  | $$| $$    $$| $$   \$$
| $$     |  $$$$$$$ | $$|  \| $$  | $$| $$$$$$$$| $$      
| $$      \$$    $$  \$$  $$| $$  | $$ \$$     \| $$      
 \$$       \$$$$$$$   \$$$$  \$$   \$$  \$$$$$$$ \$$      
  ➤name: Хабибуллин Рустам Ильдарович
   ➣gender: male
    ➣appearance: Asian
     ➣race: white

 ➤sim-number: +7 (963) 906-15-03
   ➣sim-operator: МТС

 ➤sim-number: +7 (927) 347-78-67
   ➣sim-operator: Мегафон

 ➤Country: Россия
   ➣city: Нефтекамск
    ➣adres: Россия, Башкортостан Респ, г Нефтекамск, 452687, Комсомольский пр-кт, д. 37А, кв. 32   
 __  __            __                 
|  \|  \          |  \                
| $$ \$$ _______  | $$   __   _______ 
| $$|  \|       \ | $$  /  \ /       \
| $$| $$| $$$$$$$\| $$_/  $$|  $$$$$$$
| $$| $$| $$  | $$| $$   $$  \$$    \ 
| $$| $$| $$  | $$| $$$$$$\  _\$$$$$$\
| $$| $$| $$  | $$| $$  \$$\|       $$
 \$$ \$$ \$$   \$$ \$$   \$$ \$$$$$$$ 
➤vkontakte-link: vk.com/id25080941
   ➣vkontakte-id: 25080941
    ➣vkontakte-name: Рустам Хабибуллин
     ➣registration-date: 14.12.2008 12:06

➤email: rustik_nef@mail.ru 
  ➣password: dejv3432 
➤email: 79273477867@yandex.ru
  ➣password: dejv4442
➤email: 7rustam@gmail.com
  ➣password: dejv3432dejv1123
➤email: 8rustam@gmail.com 
  ➣password: DEJV3432DEJV