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In the brief time I have communicated with David he has larped constantly and been extremely obnoxious and to be honest, I don't blame him, if I was as ugly as he is I'd take my anger out on randoms on Discord too. Unfortunately David decided to larp to the wrong person, constantly claiming harmful and acting hard online while it takes me a couple hours to completely butt fuck his OPSEC into oblivion. A few things David claimed he could do were along the lines of; extort egirls to cutsign/sh for him, paste me and/or run me and larped being rich despite working a retail job for the past 3 years. Within a few minutes of conversing with David, it was obvious he was incapable of doing any of this and that he was a massive larp. Since then, David has cried to woolwars discord staff to mute my account for a year and then ban it without any reason. Cope harder David. Keep larping. You are nothing. All information was obtained in a little less than 2 hour time spam. Nice OPSEC. Will not include an excess of information about family because it's just beef, not going to pull his family into it. -{WALL OF MEMES}- ugly skid - https://ibb.co/xDYxq4C admission that information is correct - https://ibb.co/dcxTdYm admission v2 - https://ibb.co/kqyMR09 "get ur dick out his throat" + skid thinking he knows osint- https://ibb.co/vdffFT4 david begging staff to ban me - https://ibb.co/6XtW1HH david larping being rich despite working in retail for 3 years - https://ibb.co/kg3x3vH / https://ibb.co/nP3QVsP https://ibb.co/6YVBpq8 david larping harmful - https://ibb.co/Fg8MQXL / https://ibb.co/48jkbD7 / https://ibb.co/sQb4D2L wannabe simmer - https://ibb.co/Gs5Dxff [Physical appearance & basic info] •Aliases….. "kyzou", "david", "vaiu", "99PEONS", "yakuzao" •Legal name…… David Bruckner •Apperance…. -IRLs... https://ibb.co/xDYxq4C / https://ibb.co/KmP5JtS -Hair color…. brown -Skin color…. white -Eye color…. green -Race... Caucasian •Sexual orientation... -Gender…. male -Sexuality…. Straight -Pronouns... he/him •Hobbies…. playing ranked minecraft, larping being harmful, making Minecraft montages [Location/address] -Nationality……. Dutch -country… Netherlands / South Holland -> Country flag... https://ibb.co/HPmWWTc -> Coat of arms... https://ibb.co/kxQPng8 -> Population... 17,985,900 -city... Rijswijk -> City flag... https://ibb.co/mbzNj2m -> Coat of arms... https://ibb.co/MC1vhGC -> Population... 55,220 -> Website... www.rijswijk.nl -> City coordinates... 52°2′N 4°19′E -address.... Not including because it's just beef if you want it find it yourself [Email Address] Email address... aveu87@gmail.com linked accounts -google -> Google_ID: 104961764909242601867 -> Name: David. -> Profile_Picture_URL: ttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjVBNU-OYVUUAotdCneaxPYMe40LnSD1XOKQXgFU8O-Ob7Y -> Last_activity: 1702073498 -youtube -> Youtube_ID: UCxEo68VVIhi1xx28pux7JEg -> Name: David. -> Profile_Picture_URL: https://yt3.ggpht.com/DHKWcDwspgzVzsz-SrJSnsvLaf2hxwc6wevLl6XjRfv3jB_1AtU7OY8fkg3sQmlebrYy-p-K -> Profile_URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxEo68VVIhi1xx28pux7JEg -> Current_Subscriber_Count: 71 -> Creation_Date: 2017-01-01 -> Joined_Date_Indication: 6 years ago -playgames -> Playgames_ID: g17266828695990702699 -> Name: thicc34 -> Profile_Picture_URL: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/3NjXZV4b4ls0is6MQKk4Bokpofws1PhFCWQrlk_HJGR8SMg1T3JF1-Sro-BvE5Qz09QtpQ -skype -> Skype_ID: live:.cid.190b84acfcf21534 -> Name: Vaiu -> Avatar_URL: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/live:.cid.190b84acfcf21534/public -duolingo -> Duolingo_ID: 540229476 -> Name: Swell -> Username: watrdavid -> Profile_URL: https://www.duolingo.com/profile/watrdavid -> Premium_Subscription: false -> Total_XP: 678 -> Creation_Date: 2019-09-12 12:53:11 -airbnb -> AirBNB_ID: 539357661 -> First_name: Daivd -> Profile_URL: https://www.airbnb.com/users/539357661/listings -> Banner_URL: https://a0.muscache.com/defaults/user_pic-50x50.png?v=3 -> Phone_Number: +31 --- -----------0596 -> Creation_Date: 2023-09-28T11:57:37Z -notion -> Notion_ID: 8f142ef8-e80a-499a-9d22-1eafe88003d4 -> Version: 2 -> Role: reader -vsco -> VSCO_ID: 104202568 -> Username: zuhncz101 -> Creation_Date: 2019-02-02 15:35:01 -> Profile_URL: https://vsco.co/zuhncz101/gallery -linkedin -> Public_LinkedIn_ID: david-bruckner-0948b6200 -> LinkedIn_ID: ACoAADNkA_ABsG90UGzVNSHxsnUZnayVQQ1oe0M -> First_Name: David -> Last_Name: Bruckner -> LinkedIn_URL: https://linkedin.com/in/david-bruckner-0948b6200 -> Bio: "ik ben momenteel werkzaam bij Hornbach gevestigd in Den haag.\nHier heb ik al enkele vaardigheden opgebouwd waaronder klantvriendelijkheid en behulpzaam zijn.\nIk ben momenteel bezig met de opleiding bouw en infra." -> Headline: Student at ROC Mondriaan -> Location: Rijswijk, South Holland Netherlands -{work experience}- "title": "Order Picker", "contractType": "Part-time", "companyName": "HORNBACH Baumarkt AG ", "companyLocation": "Den Haag, South Holland, Netherlands", "companyLogo": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C510BAQHy74Q4Mbo7xg/company-logo_200_200/0/1631388940693?e=1710979200&v=beta&t=Q_ZkODqUSxBRziWIhj3p_L1WF6pvA41kcf8rmvU8zug", "linkedInUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/101999/", "linkedInId": "101999" }, { "startEndDate": { "start": { "month": 2, "year": 2020 }, "end": { "month": 7, "year": 2020 } }, "title": "Stock Clerk", "contractType": "Part-time", "companyName": "Hoogvliet BV ", "companyLocation": "Rijswijk, South Holland, Netherlands", "companyLogo": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E0BAQH_BxKm3mFpAQ/company-logo_200_200/0/1630591662967/hoogvliet_bv_logo?e=1710979200&v=beta&t=heagJGqgpiFknnfDw1dv2alLVWFWJRBxom8azxyAgbs", "linkedInUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/302068/", "linkedInId": "302068" } ] }, "creationDate": { "month": 11, "year": 2020 }, "followerCount": 1, "schools": { "educationsCount": 2, "educationHistory": [ { "startEndDate": { "start": { "year": 2020 }, "end": { "year": 2024 } }, "schoolName": "ROC Mondriaan", "degreeName": "MBO4, Bouw", "fieldOfStudy": "MBO4, Bouw", "schoolLogo": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E0BAQE80CmphheHfQ/company-logo_200_200/0/1660905981411/roc_mondriaan_logo?e=1710979200&v=beta&t=ig9DcGDgREf9dEuAj4--zS629QhdWSY7tMVQjAyYs-Y", "linkedInUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/291586/" }, { "startEndDate": { "start": { "year": 2012 }, "end": { "year": 2019 } }, "schoolName": "British school of bahrain", "degreeName": "GCSE", "fieldOfStudy": "GCSE", "schoolLogo": null, "linkedInUrl": null -office365 -activision -eventbrite -giphy -pinterest -samsung -soundcloud -deezer -ogusers -stockx Passwords CENSORED PASSWORD SHA-1 HASH Troll******* 2a7ed4a34c6aec46943fe9ffcc22c3f0fad1c80b Troll********* f86d7fda29de921f3a603178a44da22ed0d0cac3 3ejVX********** 883d705c41382b1db4a70fbb2fc6b936ee364c44 Ball1******** b8760a1f2468ff7031d037be68cc998c432b725a G@!ff*********** 0e2c351e906342f580bae209f17d16dfc56cc01c ninja**** 70d2164fecb39f5a0475a6cc5b390a7c8487753e Ninja****** 245bebfbe78a2037ec4c0909dcbc6614ee579af8 Ninja****** 56c788055859fd6b3a189407e7264d1a0d57769f Ninja****** 1ea71524d2d9654cd2555dd787a33798f32f0fc4 Troll******* d5380c3457c8dce575612af915a0f42c736ca0c7 IP addresses; [School/Education] School…… ROC Mondriaan -number…. 088-6663300 -website…. https://www.rocmondriaan.nl/about-roc-mondriaan -school address…. Leeghwaterplein 72, 2521 DB, The Hague -school emails…. mailto:info@rocmondriaan.nl Staff contact information: Stefanie de Klerk T: 06 51 36 70 75 E-mail: pers@rocmondriaan.nl Leantine van der Jagt T: 06 14 88 46 62 E-mail: pers@rocmondriaan.nl Communication T: 088 - 666 1684 E-mail: communicatie@rocmondriaan.nl [Social Media] Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/david.bruckner.7543 LinkedIn -https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-bruckner-0948b6200/ Spotify -https://open.spotify.com/user/316vpgstes7jxk6ynqmonau5airi?si=udJpU-seRyOf11DMeUgFqA Steam -https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199146721609 -https://soundcloud.com/user-581516402-403089124 Youtube -https://youtube.com/@david.8984?si=r6rKHdD7gOPwxGZ- Namemc -https://namemc.com/profile/Kyzou.13 -https://namemc.com/profile/Vaiuuu.1 Soundcloud -https://soundcloud.com/yakuza-894632469 [Family] Erich Bruckner -> Relation to victim: Father social media: https://www.linkedin.com/in/niggaslayer6543/?originalSubdomain=nl https://www.pinterest.co.uk/bruckner1506/ https://www.facebook.com/ebruckner https://www.instagram.com/erichbruckner/ Evelien Bruckner -> Relation to victim: Mother social media: https://www.instagram.com/pallet_bruckner/?hl=en https://www.pinterest.co.uk/evelienbruckner/_created/ https://www.facebook.com/evelien.bruckner1