ENGLISH VERSION | made by doxbin78459 | Published : 25/04/2024 | Last Modifs. : 26/04/2024
VERSION FRANCAISE / FRENCH VERSION : https://doxbin.com/upload/kodansha6
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Subject : Коданша ⨊ on discord (@kodansha.6) 
Reason : Pretends to be a girl in order to attract men to join discord servers, tiktoks accounts, youtube, etc...
The person already have a dox from 2022 (french) : https://doxbin.com/upload/Oxiqlf
Dox reason : 
“A pedophile and I’m not going overboard!
He asks minors for nudes and has crude comments with them.
He psychologically manipulates them by making them believe that he loves them and then forces them to get naked.
He then throws away the nudes if the person refuses to send him another."
1 | Virtual Identity
Name : Kodansha
Second Name : -
Age : Minor
Genre : Woman
Orientation : Hétero
2 | Virtuals Socials (Socials where he pretends to be a girl)
├ Discord : kodansha.6 (id:1062336834077741056)
├ Guns.lol (like linktree) https://guns.lol/kodansha.6 
(giving acces to YouTube, Discord, Tiktok and Roblox)
   ├ Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@Citation2024
        ├ Server Discord "Rencontre amour♡ /pub" : https://discord.com/invite/rencontre-amours-958539971738877952 
        ├ Canal WhatsApp : https://www.whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va8Xv607z4kkzWW1No1X
        ├ Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@citation20231
             ├ Snapchat : citations1180
        ├ Canal Telegram : https://t.me/citations42023?boost
        ├ e-Mail : jordandesquien@gmail.com
             ├ Shearching on google "Jordan+Desquien" leads to social with his real name)
   ├ Discord https://discord.com/channels/1220395360284049418/1225405659151859773
        ├ Dead link
   ├ Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@citation20231
        ├ Snapchat : citations1180
   ├ Roblox https://www.roblox.com/users/1763378732/profile
        ├ Roblox Username : jordandesquien1 (Leading to his real identity.)
3 | Real Identity
Name : Jordan
Second name: Desquiens
Age : 22 Ans
Genre : Homme
Orientation : A déterminer
Actual Town where he live : 62740 Fouqières-lès-Lens (Vendin-le-veil according to the other dox)
Old Town : Roubaix
Middle school : Collège Maurice Genevoix 
High School : Lycée Pro. Denis Papin
Work : Chronopost
4 | Real Social (Social at his name)
├ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076387393896&sk=about_overview
├ Instagram 1 : https://www.instagram.com/jrk62800/
├ Instagram 2 : https://www.instagram.com/jordan_v62/
├ Tiktok 1 : https://www.tiktok.com/@citation20231 
├ Tiktok 2 : https://www.tiktok.com/@citation20231
├ Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.fr/jordandesquiens/

Need to contact me ? Discord : doxbin78459