- sexually assaulted his 16 year old daughter and pimped out the children of some random heroin addict
- purposefully ran over my buddy's cat:


Name: Juan Jose Nunez (Goes by Johnny)
Age: 50 

Phone number:
(801) 815-0697 (Potentially outdated)

Known previous phone numbers: 
(323) 896-5994 (Landline)
(323) 751-1242 (Landline)

Address: 16235 State Route 536, Mount Vernon, WA 98273
(Supposedly living in a trailer outside, but may've moved inside)

Known Previous Addresses / Locations:
2527 S Bryant Dr, Magna, UT 84044-2807
2992 S Horse Rd, Salt Lake City, UT 83128-4007
West Valley City, UT, Los Angeles, CA
Burlington, WA

Facebook: (Photos of him here)

Known relatives:                Known associates:
Esmeralda Nunez                 Esmeralda Delgadillo        
Adan Nunez (Brother)            Jose Vega (Balbina's husband)
Adrian Nunez (Insane nephew)    Maria Lopez/Nunez (Potential sister?)
Aldredo Nunez                   Arcelia Lopez
Amanda Nunez (Mother)           Bertha Vasquez
Ana Nunez                       Celestino Morales
Andres Garcia                   Christy Llee Jones (The heroin addict) 
Andrew Nunez (Nephew)           Diana Vazquez
Antonia Garcia
Balbina Vega (Sister)
David Nunez (Brother)
Eva Nunez (Sister, Adan's twin)

Too lazy to find out the specifics of relations with other relatives/associates