Making this dox to discuss the topic of Kennedy Lue, A catfishing, manipulative, cheating, ewhore of a girl that my friend who remains unnamed dated but she constantly making little tiktok videos talking about how hes such a "shit person" but has yet to provide any form of evidence behind it but still proceeds to shit talk about him so

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Full Name:  Kennedy Lue 

Pronouns: He/Him (shes trans)

Nicknames:  Lucy / Hannah/ Juliani / KIllian / Care / Nori

Age: 17 years old

Location: California , Vallecito (recently moved from canada)


(Little sister)

Zoey Lue

Junior Lue

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Their Roblox: buymediorlipgioss                                  
Their Tiktok: xoxoxcarebear
Their Instagram: @decapitatehisheart
Their Discord (add her and call her a fat fucking pig) : angelnori

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 |  ___/ |/ __| __| | | | '__/ _ \/ __|  / _ \|  _| | '_ \ / _ \ '__|
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 1. Her emo self using a snapchat filter:

 2. Weird cat girl Kennedy:

3. Weird cat girl part 2

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1. Telling her "boyfriend" to commit self harm knowing hes mentally unstabble

2. Again telling him to self harm

3. Telling their boyfriend they were using him:

4. Admits shes a tranny now girl to guy :