ROMCARTIER DOX XD Dumbass com kid that thinks he can get away with anything, scammed for over 5million but lost it all because his rich parents never taught him money management. Faked his death multiple times and scams his friends for thousands scams the vulnerable and tried to scam me too. Known crypto scammer scamming innocent victims involved in the crypto draining ring and scammed kids in Warsaw,PL. Got kidnapped and robbed for 100k after messing with the wrong people and did not learn his lesson, well I will teach it to him Also kid gambled 200k on stake with no profit after his dad gave him 50k. We also know you fled Ukraine to Poland on a train fucking Jew. This fucking retard posted the most hypocritical message after he faked his death the caption read as follows: ————————————————————— jake3_brown: Fuck fake homies Always be cautious and careful who you let in your life. You might hangout with them, share memories and have a good time but then they stab you in the back. You need to be able to distinguish fake friends from real ones. Real homies come to you when you're having hard times and show no desire of being fragile or too concerned about money. Poor people in mind are the worst and the second they have an advantage over you they'll exploit it in their favor without thinking of consequences. Just like this I had to remove a few people from my life so they wouldn't take mine. ————————————————————— This is your karma you polish bitch. Many more things to come. Want removal? Pay me xDDDD ————————————————————— INFO ————————————————————— IG: romcartier/breachedforums/jake3_brown Snap: jakedoxbin Full name: Roman Blanutsa Date of birth: 10th of December 2004 Fathers name: Andrii Andrevich Alanutsa Fathers Facebook: Fathers occupation: Sports Scientist at SCS Club Number: +48 721 371 343 Previous Residency: Leof. Vasilissis Olgas, Thessaloniki, Greece ——————————————————— Some unnamed investors you can swap or something ;) +1 (510) 951-0540 ————————— +353 85 268 6694 ————————— +44 7880 515963 ————————— +44 7517 927461 ————————— +44 7880 515963 ————————— +1 (778) 320-3511 ——————————————————— More extensive doxx posted if ransom is not received ;)