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join ryi$ clan were looking for members >.<


suspected age: 25-30
dads name: David (dad might not have the same last name as his family)
suspected age 50-60
Full name: Jade mansfield
age 24-27
has a boyfriend, callum fox, She works at an arcade somewhere.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jade.mansfield.7/?paipv=0&eav=AfYYNdZ7nZRj2xRWYhamJhhq3xY0evepJ5-GPmFiDxThA7Q08-9d6V3v8e_o1wCeh6s&_rdr
from her facebook it is known she lives in bude, from torquay
goes to budehaven community school / college
mums facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009565626154&comment_id=Y29tbWVudDoyMTYyODQ5MzU3MTE1MzQ5XzIxNjcyNzUwMjAwMDYxMTY%3D
age 50-58
Lives in cornwall in the country side
Has 2 dogs, 2 cats and some chickens
Located next to some sheep apparently
postcode is 76 Valley Rd, Bude EX23 8ES bude. (THIS IS HER NEIGHBOR SHE LIVES ON 72)
Sophie mansfield
Age, 18 years old
birthday may 15th
Lives with her mother, father and sister