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Name: Henry Robertson

Gender: male

Race: White

Birthday: 01/17/2008 (16 years old)

Street: 2410 Heron Way

City, State, Zip: Portland, Oregon(OR), 97204

Telephone: 503-840-1761

Mobile: 503-504-6115

Email kelsi1994@yahoo.com
Height 6' 2" (189 centimeters)
Weight 176.0 pounds (80.0 kilograms)
Hair Color Blond
Blood Type O+
Starsign(Tropical Zodiac) Libra
Mother's Maiden Name Martinez
Civil Status Dating/Looking for love
Educational Background Bachelor
Disease History never

Browser User Agent
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.96

System: Windows 10

GUID: 0ba09246-514d-4711-966d-f72710bc0c04

Geo coordinates: 45.496841(latitude), -122.748230(longitude)

Timezone: UTC-8: Pacific Standard Time (PST)

UPS Tracking Number: 1Z 8F4 V23 31 0482 640 0

Country: US(United States)

Family Members
4 members
1998 Ford Contour
Online Status
Girl browsing on Tinder:  no, no, no, no, yes....Guy browsing on Tinder:  yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

Online Signature
The important thing is that men should have a purpose in life. It should be something useful, something good.

Online Biography
Wannabe food fanatic. Proud tv enthusiast. Devoted travel advocate. Freelance introvert. Zombie practitioner.

Bodybuilding,Movie Watching

Favorite Color
Favorite Movie

Favorite Music
Ambient music

Favorite Song
Tro och Tvivel(by Håkan Hellström)

Favorite Book
The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials) --by Philip Pullman

Favorite Sports

Favorite TV
Family Guy Fox

Favorite Movie Star
Keri Russell

Favorite Singer
Liam Payne
