grave▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[      Kayden / wmorgue DOXED          ]█░░▓
  .     .              .             .        .                 .               .          .   .       .       .             .          .      .
          .  .      +     .      .          .      . 	.	.	.	  .   ,;     .   .      .   .     .  .   +     .             .   
     . .      .     #       .           .             .         t               i       f#i   .  .       .      .      .     #       .         .       
         .         ###            .      .     .        .   .   Ej   .    .    LE     .E#t          .      .      .         ###            .        
 .     .   "#:. .:##"##:. .:#"  .      .            t      .DD .E#,           L#E    i#W, .    .  .    .        .   "#:. .:##"##:. .:#"  .    .     
    .      . "####"###"####"  .                     EK:   ,WK.  E#t.  .   .  G#W.   L#D.                .    .      . "####"###"####"  .                
       "#:.    .:#"###"#:.    .:#"  .      .    .   E#t  i#D  . E#t     .   D#K.  :K#Wfff;  .             .     "#:.    .:#"###"#:.    .:#"  .    
  .       "#########"#########"        .            E#t j#f     E#t  .     E#K.   i##WLLLLt      .      .  .       "#########"#########"        .       
       "#:.  "####"###"####"  .:#"   .       .   .  E#tL#i  .   E#t      .E#E.     .E#L      .     .    .       "#:.  "####"###"####"  .:#"   .  
     .  "#######""##"##""#######"             .     E#WW,       E#t  .  .K#E    .     f#E:          .         .  "#######""##"##""#######"              
.         ."##"#####"#####"##"           .   .      E#K:  .     E#t    .K#D        .  ,WW;  .    .                 ."##"#####"#####"##"              
  "#:. ...  .:##"###"###"##:.  ... .:#"     .   .   ED.     .   E#t   .W#G  .          .D#;     .   .  .   "#:. ...  .:##"###"###"##:.  ... .:#"   
.     "#######"##"#####"##"#######"      .          t   .       E#t  :W##########Wt  .   tt          .   .     "#######"##"#####"##"#######"        
   .     "#####""#######""#####"    .      .      .     .       ,;.  :,,,,,,,,,,,,,.       .      .    .    .     "#####""#######""#####"    .     
      .     "      000      "    .     .       .        .   thanks vile for the layout <3   .         .          .     "      000      "    .     .   
.          .   .   000     .        .     . .      .        .     https://vile.sh   .       .   .    .     .        .   .   000     .        .  
.. ..  .....  ....O000O...... ...... ........ ... ... ........  .. .  .......... . ........ .. ..... ..........  ..........O000O....... ........

This post formally shows the end of Kayden (wmorgue ; aimkov ;kPup ;HellhoundAU ; pawshots ; chewy ; (dumb nigga change his shit alot)).
This funny little AU roblox closet cheating pedo thinks its fun to prey on kids, this is what happens kayden.


SCTN 1 ; proof



SCTN 2 ; aliases/names
permalocked on disc 
mwstr on disc

stop trying to hide kayden its turning me on >_<





- wmorgue
- hellhound(au)
- nekotion
- AimKov
- chewy
- pawshots

Past Roblox Name Dump:
hotdog757, C0nnect1ng, CuteLilKitsune, HellhoundAU, skillsins, wristline, thicanu, giftedkilla, AimKov, wmorgue, nekotion, wmorgue, pawshots, wmorgue


SteamID64: 76561198089300429
SteamID32: [U:1:129034701]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:64517350
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/-disgusted/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198089300429
Creation: 2013-04-19 06:48:50
Last Updated: 2024-03-09 14:37:02

^In a steam group known for trading CP >_<

https://steamcommunity.com/id/-disgusted/	2024-03-09 14:37:02
https://steamcommunity.com/id/-boywife/	2024-03-03 19:30:23
https://steamcommunity.com/id/murderedongorestreet/	2024-03-01 16:40:08
https://steamcommunity.com/id/puppyaimer/	2024-02-01 13:44:26
https://steamcommunity.com/id/762mdr/	2024-01-26 09:01:07
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2024-01-17 01:46:14
https://steamcommunity.com/id/gorestreetsoulja/	2024-01-15 19:56:56
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2024-01-08 19:45:39
https://steamcommunity.com/id/vvvvvvoid/	2024-01-08 02:34:34
https://steamcommunity.com/id/watermelontictacs/	2024-01-05 06:29:20
https://steamcommunity.com/id/puppyaimer/	2023-12-19 08:08:46
https://steamcommunity.com/id/22cm360/	2023-11-20 02:31:58
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2023-11-18 17:38:16
https://steamcommunity.com/id/22cm360/	2023-11-16 09:28:33
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2023-11-12 08:27:58
https://steamcommunity.com/id/aimglory/	2023-11-04 04:10:11
https://steamcommunity.com/id/care_aim/	2023-10-16 15:54:17
https://steamcommunity.com/id/igetofftothesoundsofyousobbing/	2023-10-03 22:38:42
https://steamcommunity.com/id/hercaretaker/	2023-09-21 12:41:01
https://steamcommunity.com/id/printedcircuitboard/	2023-09-18 10:02:55
https://steamcommunity.com/id/slaughter_aim/	2023-09-15 05:40:14
https://steamcommunity.com/id/hercaretaker/	2023-09-06 15:50:09
https://steamcommunity.com/id/yousawmeslowlybleed/	2023-09-03 23:55:50
https://steamcommunity.com/id/pupcaretaker/	2023-08-30 13:16:33
https://steamcommunity.com/id/hercaretaker/	2023-08-21 21:35:19
https://steamcommunity.com/id/slityourwristsfag/	2023-08-20 13:24:40
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2023-08-08 20:57:04
https://steamcommunity.com/id/youshouldkillyourselffaggot/	2023-08-06 18:31:37
https://steamcommunity.com/id/sliturwrists/	2023-08-01 23:09:55
https://steamcommunity.com/id/idontliketoy/	2023-08-01 17:40:41
https://steamcommunity.com/id/sliturwrists/	2023-07-28 08:56:31
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2023-07-26 21:25:20
https://steamcommunity.com/id/cunnymorgue/	2023-07-26 11:02:12
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2023-07-23 06:12:38
https://steamcommunity.com/id/lovemorgue/	2023-07-18 08:54:45
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2023-07-06 04:57:45
https://steamcommunity.com/id/sliturwrists/	2023-07-04 07:27:15
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2023-07-03 19:28:15
https://steamcommunity.com/id/sliturwrists/	2023-07-01 11:43:10
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2023-06-15 22:48:38
https://steamcommunity.com/id/averagenukeplayer/	2023-06-13 08:39:46
https://steamcommunity.com/id/pawpadaiming/	2023-05-01 17:26:06
https://steamcommunity.com/id/stopdickridingdumbass/	2023-04-28 16:11:54
https://steamcommunity.com/id/catgirlcunny/	2023-04-27 12:22:14
https://steamcommunity.com/id/top1legoaimer/	2023-04-24 21:00:00
https://steamcommunity.com/id/top1unturnovaimer/	2023-04-23 18:16:46
https://steamcommunity.com/id/fuckingkillurselfretard/	2023-04-22 18:26:30
https://steamcommunity.com/id/sliturwrists/	2023-04-22 13:37:56
https://steamcommunity.com/id/imgonnafuckmydog/	2023-04-20 11:27:09
https://steamcommunity.com/id/keepcomplainingpussy/	2023-04-19 08:14:49
https://steamcommunity.com/id/killurselfretard/	2023-04-19 04:37:58
https://steamcommunity.com/id/getoffmydickdumbfuck/	2023-04-18 09:55:12
https://steamcommunity.com/id/keepreportingmepussy/	2023-04-17 05:30:27
https://steamcommunity.com/id/stopdickridingdumbass/	2023-04-16 02:58:53
https://steamcommunity.com/id/iusekovaaks/	2023-04-15 10:48:56
https://steamcommunity.com/id/prorobloxaimer/	2023-04-15 05:15:47
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2023-03-31 01:50:21
https://steamcommunity.com/id/iusekovaaks/	2023-03-26 13:27:58
https://steamcommunity.com/id/ilovefurryfuta/	2023-03-24 19:19:35
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2023-03-24 18:55:17
https://steamcommunity.com/id/iusekovaaks/	2023-03-19 18:45:34
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2023-02-16 08:18:18
https://steamcommunity.com/id/unturnovstaffisretarded/	2023-02-15 04:06:44
https://steamcommunity.com/id/iliterallyjustwanttodie/	2023-02-14 18:38:55
https://steamcommunity.com/id/canieatit/	2023-02-14 18:15:07
https://steamcommunity.com/id/enditallforme/	2023-02-14 14:54:27
https://steamcommunity.com/id/loligoreenjoyer/	2023-02-14 14:15:44
https://steamcommunity.com/id/bestunturnedaimer/	2023-02-13 16:51:32
https://steamcommunity.com/id/feelfreetoreportme/	2023-02-13 07:42:48
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2023-02-12 16:27:21
https://steamcommunity.com/id/bestunturnedplayer/	2023-02-12 08:27:15
https://steamcommunity.com/id/feelfreetoreportme/	2023-02-12 05:19:46
https://steamcommunity.com/id/iluvherthighs/	2023-02-12 03:40:38
https://steamcommunity.com/id/unturnedaimbotter/	2023-02-11 02:04:22
https://steamcommunity.com/id/unturnedgodfather/	2023-02-10 14:07:24
https://steamcommunity.com/id/skatecsgo/	2023-02-09 07:48:03
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2023-02-07 10:53:40
https://steamcommunity.com/id/cutelolipee/	2023-02-06 23:30:13
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2023-02-06 05:49:44
https://steamcommunity.com/id/leavehisfaceontheground/	2023-02-03 05:54:37
https://steamcommunity.com/id/selfharmaddict/	2023-01-26 15:28:59
https://steamcommunity.com/id/addictedtoselfharm/	2023-01-25 02:33:09
https://steamcommunity.com/id/lolipeewatercooling/	2023-01-22 16:31:35
https://steamcommunity.com/id/upcoconut/	2023-01-21 13:23:18
https://steamcommunity.com/id/morguemovement/	2023-01-20 12:43:09
https://steamcommunity.com/id/fuckofffanoy/	2023-01-20 06:41:47
https://steamcommunity.com/id/blackmantwerking/	2023-01-18 21:04:31
https://steamcommunity.com/id/itslikeidontcare/	2023-01-18 13:58:17
https://steamcommunity.com/id/luvmorgue/	2023-01-18 13:12:09
https://steamcommunity.com/id/youloveridingme/	2023-01-17 09:12:29
https://steamcommunity.com/id/morguemovement/	2023-01-16 13:44:30
https://steamcommunity.com/id/catgirllolipee/	2023-01-13 01:54:25
https://steamcommunity.com/id/morgueontop/	2023-01-09 02:50:32
https://steamcommunity.com/id/catgirlpee/	2023-01-07 07:39:44
https://steamcommunity.com/id/top1unturnedplayer/	2023-01-06 21:00:33
https://steamcommunity.com/id/wmorgue/	2023-01-06 14:41:41

disgust	2024-03-09 14:37:02
puppy	2024-03-03 19:30:23
morgue	2024-03-02 00:47:40
skinny loser	2024-03-01 16:40:08
killriddle	2024-02-29 20:52:47
VT Iron	2024-02-29 10:45:51
NSTK.	2024-02-28 21:22:35
no self to kill.	2024-02-26 22:17:37
DESPITE THIS CRUEL WORLD.	2024-02-26 01:59:42
morgue	2024-02-21 13:55:51
boss	2024-02-19 07:37:02
1framer	2024-02-13 23:05:26
5/17	2024-02-06 20:57:11
morgue	2024-02-05 17:44:34
5/17	2024-02-02 15:25:25
who	2024-02-02 02:26:52
5/17	2024-02-01 13:44:26
morgue	2024-01-29 21:23:43
w?	2024-01-26 09:01:07
fuck you purpkoo	2024-01-25 20:37:03
w?	2024-01-25 07:06:51
7.62 MDR	2024-01-23 21:55:49
gorestreet.	2024-01-22 06:01:14
w?	2024-01-17 01:46:14
gorestreet.	2024-01-15 19:56:56
heavensent	2024-01-13 04:29:35
is that morgue	2024-01-11 03:58:25
w?	2024-01-08 19:45:39
v	2024-01-08 02:34:34
heart	2024-01-07 00:48:49
fog	2024-01-05 06:29:20
hh	2024-01-04 22:00:58
w?	2023-12-24 19:13:23
morgue	2023-12-21 20:38:29
puppybrained	2023-12-19 08:08:46
w	2023-11-22 19:45:33
glory	2023-11-20 02:31:58
morgue	2023-11-18 17:38:16
22cm	2023-11-16 09:28:33
sha	2023-11-13 01:00:57
SHA	2023-11-12 08:27:58
glory	2023-10-31 19:04:48
care	2023-10-16 15:54:17
...<3	2023-10-14 20:48:50
nexus	2023-10-14 04:22:42
Target Practice	2023-10-13 06:46:56
chewtoy	2023-10-06 15:17:56
disgust	2023-10-03 22:38:42
brainmelt	2023-10-02 15:50:54
choccy milk enjoyer	2023-10-01 12:01:39
slickplate	2023-09-21 12:41:01
hellhound	2023-09-18 10:02:55
slaughter	2023-09-14 14:48:07
caretaker	2023-09-06 02:33:11
scars for eternity	2023-09-03 23:55:50
caretaker	2023-08-30 13:16:33
slick	2023-08-29 20:12:22
go fuck urself	2023-08-29 07:16:05
caretaker	2023-08-27 12:19:19
you're a goner.	2023-08-26 17:46:41
caretaker	2023-08-26 04:19:41
22cm/360	2023-08-24 12:05:06
caretaker	2023-08-21 21:35:19
yay :3	2023-08-21 08:04:15
ily	2023-08-18 17:56:26
care	2023-08-16 21:36:13
:3	2023-08-16 05:14:05
empty	2023-08-14 06:19:37
morgue	2023-08-08 20:57:04
please, break my heart	2023-08-08 04:46:32
morgue	2023-08-07 15:33:32
KYSF	2023-08-07 04:15:43
󠀡󠀡	2023-08-06 18:31:37
dont wanna come home	2023-08-05 23:00:25
dilemma	2023-08-05 18:12:31
kiss me like you should	2023-08-04 23:24:19
kiss me like you should	2023-08-04 23:22:41
ban evader	2023-08-04 00:28:55
its alright	2023-08-03 19:30:33
syw	2023-08-03 14:31:50
replacement	2023-08-02 18:59:47
syw	2023-08-01 23:09:55
fuck u chewtoy.	2023-08-01 17:40:41
󠀡󠀡morgue	2023-07-31 11:28:26
morgue	2023-07-30 16:33:39
I WANNA DIE	2023-07-30 11:43:37
kys	2023-07-30 06:54:47
wish I spoke w/ you more	2023-07-29 19:49:24
KYS	2023-07-29 14:02:04
KMS	2023-07-29 09:13:15
chewtoy	2023-07-28 18:42:55
chewtoy	2023-07-28 18:42:06
morgue	2023-07-28 08:56:31
(gay)	2023-07-28 04:06:48
jaded	2023-07-27 13:29:57
terror	2023-07-27 08:37:55
morgue	2023-07-25 12:09:50
w	2023-07-25 07:06:37
w	2023-07-25 07:05:52
morgue	2023-07-24 15:24:27
SH	2023-07-24 10:19:04
sewerbat	2023-07-24 05:28:32
(boy)	2023-07-22 11:35:29
morgue	2023-07-21 11:28:30
kitten	2023-07-21 06:37:04
󠀡󠀡	2023-07-18 13:44:40
i love you	2023-07-18 08:54:45
morgue	2023-07-18 04:06:46
morgue.	2023-07-17 13:36:11
DILEMMA	2023-07-15 06:20:12
morgue	2023-07-13 04:58:07
wasteland	2023-07-13 00:06:54
killmeaura	2023-07-12 04:35:48
shatter	2023-07-11 23:43:14
killmeaura	2023-07-10 20:17:55
morgue	2023-07-08 13:16:15
nobody	2023-07-06 22:06:55
morgue	2023-07-06 04:57:45
NM	2023-07-04 07:27:15
󠀡󠀡	2023-07-03 12:40:23
kitten	2023-07-02 12:32:07
kayden	2023-07-01 11:43:10
kys	2023-06-30 13:04:02
󠀡󠀡	2023-06-28 06:30:26
scissors	2023-06-24 16:24:55
w	2023-06-22 14:00:17
ookami mio armpits	2023-06-22 08:19:20
y	2023-06-21 16:36:32
w	2023-06-15 22:48:38
furry frottage	2023-06-14 09:36:51
BOYS KISSING???	2023-06-13 23:08:38
yump	2023-06-13 08:39:46
pawmorgue	2023-05-26 22:07:35
wmorgue	2023-05-25 10:22:10
goodnight.	2023-05-21 04:51:32
iloveyou	2023-05-21 02:23:05
paw	2023-05-12 23:08:42
wtf is he doing	2023-05-10 16:08:58
paw	2023-04-27 12:22:14
morgue	2023-04-22 18:26:30
disgust	2023-04-22 16:05:08
get off my profile, shitter.	2023-04-22 13:37:56
paw enjoyer	2023-04-21 15:28:39
morgue	2023-04-21 09:46:44
morgueontop	2023-04-19 08:14:49
end it all	2023-04-19 04:37:58
paw	2023-04-18 17:56:02
OFFMYDICK	2023-04-18 09:55:12
wasteland	2023-04-16 13:51:30
OFFMYDICK	2023-04-16 02:58:53
wuvu	2023-04-15 10:48:56
Taco party!	2023-04-15 05:15:47
paw enjoyer	2023-04-14 12:42:41
morgue#0103	2023-04-13 16:22:19
paw enjoyer	2023-04-12 10:21:11
morgue	2023-04-08 06:05:25
paw	2023-03-31 01:50:21
KILLTHEMALL<3	2023-03-27 20:12:02
MORGUE.	2023-03-26 19:12:24
I LOVE PROJECT ZOMBOID	2023-03-26 13:27:58
top 1, forever.	2023-03-24 20:33:32
og	2023-03-24 19:19:35
pawlover	2023-03-24 18:55:17
Jump off.	2023-03-24 13:17:26
love you	2023-03-24 08:41:27
fanboys reporting me <3	2023-03-24 08:19:17
avatar banned for 6 days lol	2023-03-24 07:55:35
morgue	2023-03-24 01:28:32
goregasm	2023-03-21 09:18:53
average kovaaks user	2023-03-19 18:45:34
morgue	2023-02-16 08:18:18
MORGUE	2023-02-15 06:25:44
morgueontop	2023-02-15 06:12:31
long	2023-02-15 05:46:12
please just kill me	2023-02-14 18:38:55
ur weird	2023-02-14 18:15:07
kisaragi	2023-02-14 16:04:28
mahiro	2023-02-14 15:22:31
kill me	2023-02-14 14:54:27
LGE	2023-02-14 14:25:37
morgue.	2023-02-14 04:12:02
malo	2023-02-13 14:24:36
get off my profile	2023-02-13 14:12:50
leavemealone	2023-02-13 11:59:24
shots	2023-02-13 11:17:16
syw	2023-02-13 10:05:34
ontop	2023-02-13 09:21:37
ily	2023-02-13 09:08:07
sliturwrists...	2023-02-13 08:10:49
kys	2023-02-13 07:42:48
morgue	2023-02-12 16:09:18
wmorgue	2023-02-12 09:13:28
912387342579843567	2023-02-12 05:48:51
SLITURWRISTS	2023-02-12 05:19:46
SYW	2023-02-12 03:40:38
movement?	2023-02-11 11:42:11
Jupiter	2023-02-11 01:45:57
better than u	2023-02-10 13:47:10
skate	2023-02-09 07:48:03
godfather of unturnov.	2023-02-08 09:30:18
morgue	2023-02-07 10:22:54
real name	2023-02-06 23:30:13
DNI	2023-02-06 05:49:44
KNIFE FIGHT	2023-02-03 17:16:53
48kg catgirl	2023-02-03 07:38:23
KNIFE FIGHT	2023-02-03 05:54:37
crash	2023-02-03 00:06:46
LMAO	2023-02-02 21:15:08
Morgue.	2023-02-02 18:27:27
disgust	2023-02-02 03:14:59
girl	2023-02-02 01:32:34
really cute anime girl	2023-02-01 21:51:36
disgust	2023-01-30 19:40:52
morgue	2023-01-27 18:37:09
ATSH	2023-01-26 15:28:59
cute lol	2023-01-25 01:59:14
hi	2023-01-23 07:56:43
sinz	2023-01-22 16:31:35
nightmare	2023-01-21 14:09:37
my pfp is green	2023-01-21 13:36:03
Coconut	2023-01-21 13:23:18
hellhound	2023-01-21 11:52:08
movement?	2023-01-20 12:43:09
fanoy? who?	2023-01-20 06:57:31
who the fuck is fanoy	2023-01-20 06:33:31
morgue	2023-01-18 21:04:31
I DONT EVEN CARE	2023-01-18 13:58:17
IM NOT HERE	2023-01-18 13:12:09
vivs	2023-01-18 08:00:18
disgust	2023-01-18 05:53:14
vat	2023-01-17 11:51:34
disgust	2023-01-17 08:16:41
fuck off fanboy <3	2023-01-17 07:09:25
child destroyer	2023-01-17 03:39:53
visible	2023-01-16 15:28:38
2016 nohat fanboy	2023-01-16 12:30:28
open your eyes	2023-01-15 11:58:49
hellhound	2023-01-13 05:19:32
you need 13 radiation	2023-01-13 05:09:55
kickflip	2023-01-13 03:21:23
double head	2023-01-13 03:02:51
i am so sorry	2023-01-13 01:54:25
really hot loli catgirl	2023-01-13 01:34:59
lagged	2023-01-12 23:22:11
i like that old nohat vibe	2023-01-12 09:49:46
skates	2023-01-12 08:21:16
nht	2023-01-12 08:00:31
numba 1 usec playa	2023-01-12 05:39:22
TV	2023-01-11 22:06:15
disgust	2023-01-11 02:00:11
noose like a necklace.	2023-01-10 06:47:09
2/1/16	2023-01-10 04:30:19
disgust	2023-01-09 10:31:22
Niko_Smile	2023-01-09 04:10:43
Niko_Smile	2023-01-09 02:50:32
disgust	2023-01-06 20:24:27


SCTN 3 ; contact info

YASS, NSW 2582, Australia
PO BOX 317

Kayden Lewis
