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@odieiscool on discord 
harass this little bitchboy.
[Address 1]        15 Grand Rue
[City]             Waldwisse
[Postal Code]      57480
[Country]          FR
[Full name]        Leo Fuhrmann
[Email]           l.driesbach57@gmail.com
[Phone Number]    +33785145065
[2 Factor]        True
[Username]        ghostcodintheheart | 1116993895369297971
[Badges]          None
[Language]        ja
[Created at]      14-07-2022 09:39:10 UTC
[Common passwords] Leo200411, Leo200628, 
[Payment Type]     Credit Card
[Valid]            True
[CC Holder Name]     Driesbach
[CC Brand]         Mastercard
[CC Number]        5* ** ** ** ** ** 72 41
[CC Exp. Date]     03/26
since he keeps changing his username, go to discord.id and put in his discord id for his username