 .---.  .--.  .----. .-.   .----.    .----. .----.    .---.  .----. .-. .-. .---. .----..-. .-. .---.  .----.
{_   _}/ {} \ | {}  }| |   | {_     /  {}  \| {_     /  ___}/  {}  \|  `| |{_   _}| {_  |  `| |{_   _}{ {__  
  | | /  /\  \| {}  }| `--.| {__    \      /| |      \     }\      /| |\  |  | |  | {__ | |\  |  | |  .-._} }
  `-' `-'  `-'`----' `----'`----'    `----' `-'       `---'  `----' `-' `-'  `-'  `----'`-' `-'  `-'  `----' 

main info
family info
location info
police info
.----. .----.  .--.   .----. .----. .-. .-.
| {}  }| {_   / {} \ { {__  /  {}  \|  `| |
| .-. \| {__ /  /\  \.-._} }\      /| |\  |
`-' `-'`----'`-'  `-'`----'  `----' `-' `-'

toxic ass nigga who likes to talk shit and also thinks is the main char we use to be friends but he started to
hang out with someone and now he turn toxic asf and hates me for no reason and he will never be the same as he 
use to they really mess him up too bad fake ass friend skid 
.-.   .-.  .--.  .-..-. .-.   .-..-. .-..----..----. 
|  `.'  | / {} \ | ||  `| |   | ||  `| || {_ /  {}  \
| |\ /| |/  /\  \| || |\  |   | || |\  || |  \      /
`-' ` `-'`-'  `-'`-'`-' `-'   `-'`-' `-'`-'   `----' 

Name Derek Guzman Solis
age 16
brithday 02/22/07
height 5.5
gender male
.----..--.  .-.   .-..-..-. .-.  .-.   .-..-. .-..----..----. 
| {_ / {} \ |  `.'  || || |  \ \/ /    | ||  `| || {_ /  {}  \
| | /  /\  \| |\ /| || || `--.}  {     | || |\  || |  \      /
`-' `-'  `-'`-' ` `-'`-'`----'`--'     `-'`-' `-'`-'   `----' 

mom name ana leticia guzman age
dad name oscar guzman
idk the brothers 
.-.    .----.  .---.   .--.  .---. .-. .----. .-. .-.   .-..-. .-..----..----. 
| |   /  {}  \/  ___} / {} \{_   _}| |/  {}  \|  `| |   | ||  `| || {_ /  {}  \
| `--.\      /\     }/  /\  \ | |  | |\      /| |\  |   | || |\  || |  \      /
`----' `----'  `---' `-'  `-' `-'  `-' `----' `-' `-'   `-'`-' `-'`-'   `----' 

address 210 Green Park Rd
coordinates 33.329148085469875, -86.79876833128209
country usa
state alabama
city pelham
zip code 35124
.----.  .----. .-.   .-. .---. .----.   .-..-. .-..----..----. 
| {}  }/  {}  \| |   | |/  ___}| {_     | ||  `| || {_ /  {}  \
| .--' \      /| `--.| |\     }| {__    | || |\  || |  \      /
`-'     `----' `----'`-' `---' `----'   `-'`-' `-'`-'   `----' 

police address 32 Philip Davis St, Pelham, AL 35124
website https://www.pelhampd.com
phone numbers