The dox of the leech and pedophile (Michael Littlefield)

This was a friend I met in school and we had a lot in common. 
We both liked technology and we both played VR and such. We are also developers. 
One day we just stopped talking after I left the school.
I posted in a discord server that I had his info and was giving it out (I already knew he was hated but didnt know anything else)
One person named "Ducko" Sent me a direct message explaining everything he has done with proof.
Ducko proceeded to create a gc with 5 other people that Michael had wronged.
They told me their story's about what Michael had done to them. 
We proceeded to put him on doxbin for the first time. About a week after this he proceeded to deactivate his discord account.
I proceeded to do some digging over the next 6 month until I found his new account through logs from a server I owned a while ago.
I did some bullshitting and eventually he was in my clients list. 
I backed up his files to a spare hard drive so even if he finds out i can still get whatever files i need 
I also filed a police report about him sending vile photos to minors and will be contacting his school about this.
If you would like to contact me and go into more depth on the topic my userid is 1215120895891214356
But for now my yap session is over

    Name: Michael Littlefield 

    Phone number: (857) 867-0781 (Outdated. As this sim card was given to his sister)

    Snap: Shronkwashere

    Address: 55 Vermont St, Cranston, RI, 02920
    Age: 15 

    School: Western hills middle school (8th grade)

    Identities:, Shronk,, Puro-duh

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