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Title:emily binned
Created:May 5th, 2024
Created by: reloading
Views: 516
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Y88b. 888 888 888 888 Y88P 888 "Y8888P "Y888 888 888 888 888 ✫ NAME ; Emily ✫ LAST ; Mclennan ✫ AGE ; 17 ✫ GENDER ; Female ✫ PHOTOS: https://ibb.co/1GgL2C8 I https://ibb.co/WWB1FpV ✫ ADDRESS ; 1581 Route 507 Greentown, PA 18426-4503 ✫ PAST ADDRESSES ; Petersen St Sidney, NE 69162 ✫ PHONE NUMBER ; (570) 534 204 (linked to instagram) ✫ GMAILS ; emilyrmclennan@gmail.com GUID: 103686422013201161179 websites linked ; -> about.me -> academia.edu -> adobe.com -> deliveroo.com -> dropbox.com -> flickr.com -> instagram.com -> myfitnesspal.com -> pinterest.com -> spotify.com -> twitter.com ✫ SOCIAL MEDIAS ; SKYPE ; live:emclennan.golf INSTAGRAM ; https://www.instagram.com/emily.mclennan/ TWITTER ; @EmilyMclennan TIKTOK ; https://www.tiktok.com/@emily.mclennan ──────────────────────────────────────⊹⊱✫⊰⊹────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────⊹⊱✫⊰⊹────────────────────────────────────── 888 888 888 88888b. 8888b. 888d888 .d88b. 88888b. 888888 .d8888b 888 "88b "88b 888P" d8P Y8b 888 "88b 888 88K 888 888 .d888888 888 88888888 888 888 888 "Y8888b. 888 d88P 888 888 888 Y8b. 888 888 Y88b. X88 88888P" "Y888888 888 "Y8888 888 888 "Y888 88888P' 888 888 888 // MOTHER ✫ NAME ; Colette ✫ LAST ; Bowman ✫ AGE ; March 24th, 1983 (41 years old) ✫ ALSO KNOWN AS ; Colette V Bowman ✫ GENDER ; Female ✫ ADDRESS ; 175 Pasquin Dr, E Stroudsburg, PA 18301 ✫ PAST ADDRESSES ; 10017 202nd St Hollis, NY 11423 (Apr 2012 - Jun 2021) ✫ PHONE NUMBER ; (347) 481-2991 - Wireless I (718) 589-6291 - Landline ✫ PAST PHONE NUMBERS ; (347) 737-5570 - Wireless (347) 737-1163 - Wireless ✫ POSSIBLE RELATIVES ; Andre F Bowman Sr, Arthur Lee Bowman, Arthurreine L Bowman, Cecil G Bowman, Cheryl A Claxton, Colette V Bowman, Dorothy Shantell Richardson, Eboni A King, Essence BowmanFrank H Bowman, Herbert L Bowman, Joseph H Bowman, Kaiwan Nakaia Bowman, Tyrone G Claxton, Aaron Charles Bowman, Andrea A Bowman, Cecil G Bowman, Davian J BowmanEtta M Bowman, Grasonde C Bowman Sr, John V Bowman, Malcolm Bowman Jr, Etta M Bowman, Grasonde C Bowman Sr, John V Bowman, Malcolm Bowman Jr, Margie L Threatt Bowman, Patricia Ann Bowman, Shatiasha K Bowman, Torry A Bowman, Tonya L Claxton, Tonya L Claxton Margie L Threatt Bowman, Patricia Ann Bowman, Shatiasha K Bowman, Torry A Bowman, Tonya L ✫ ASSOCIATES ; Alice P Stewart, Dorothy M Mendez, Alexander P Arzu, Bernett B Boykin, Evelinda Lopez, Kalen Y Mena, Luisa P Pages, Luz M Santana, Maria A Valdez, Ramona Mercedes Disla, Richard T Arzu, Sean Anthony McIntosh, Serafina P Pages, Stacey W McIntosh, Colette Hall, Elizabeth A Rodolico, Alan Richardson, Ashlee D King, Charles L Richardson, Deniece Yvonne King, Dorothy S Richardson, Ericka R King, Halewa Joy King, Monica S Morales, Monica Suelie Bowman, Richardson Armstrong, Stephen J Richardson // FATHER ✫ NAME ; Ryan ✫ LAST ; Mclennan ✫ AGE ; August 2nd, 1991 (32 years old) ✫ GENDER ; Male ✫ ADDRESS ; 1581 Route 507; Greentown, PA 18426-4503 ✫ PAST ADDRESSES ; Petersen St Sidney, NE 69162 I Cheyenne County 17 Wagon Trail Rd ✫ PHONE NUMBER ; (929) 243-0255 - Wireless ✫ PAST PHONE NUMBERS ; (308) 279-1284 - Wireless I (718) 931-4034 - LandLine ✫ EMAILS ; lilhans59@gmail.com ^ Deleted number linked ; 718-931-4034 Carrier ; Verizon VOIP ; False last logged location ; 909 Rhinelander Ave. Bronx, NY 10462 ✫ EMAILS ; ryan718mp@yahoo.com ID for ryan718mp@yahoo.com 113107621161156125740 Common Password ; Bowling1 ¬ GunSlinger1991! IP Address(es): ASN ; 3737 ✫ POSSIBLE RELATIVES ; Danielle C McLennan, George Edward McLennan, Kristopher McLennen. Lois A McLennan, Colman McLennan, Helen L McLennan, Mark A McLennan. Mary C McLennan, Nancy D McLennan, Patrick M McLennan Kenneth J McLennan. ✫ NEIGHBOURS ; Vernon Garel, 1575 Route 507 Greentown, PA 18426 James H Gifford 1573 Route 507 Greentown, PA 18426 Edith B Otway 1564 Route 507 Greentown, PA 18426 Matthew John Fisher 1559 Route 507 Greentown, PA 18426 Andrew R Trout 1605 Route 507 Greentown, PA 18426 ──────────────────────────────────────⊹⊱✫⊰⊹────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────⊹⊱✫⊰⊹────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────⊹⊱✫⊰⊹────────────────────────────────────── .d888 d8b 888 d88P" Y8P 888 888 888 888888 8888b. 88888b.d88b. 888 888 888 888 888 "88b 888 "888 "88b 888 888 888 888 888 .d888888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 Y88b 888 888 "Y888888 888 888 888 888 888 "Y88888 888 Y8b d88P "Y88P" // Grandmother ✫ NAME ; Patricia ✫ LAST ; Perez ✫ AGE ; 43 ✫ GENDER ; Female ✫ ADDRESS ; 2564 Tratman Ave #3H Bronx, NY 10461 (Nov 2010 - Current) ✫ PHONE NUMBER ; (917) 391-6564 - Wireless I (917) 427-1269 - Landline ✫ PAST PHONE NUMBERS ; (718) 822-4019 - Landline ✫ EMAILS ; rpcodd@optonline.net I tominds4u@aol.com ──────────────────────────────────────⊹⊱✫⊰⊹────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────⊹⊱✫⊰⊹────────────────────────────────────── d8888b. d8888b. .d88b. d8888b. d88888b d8888b. d888888b db db 88 `8D 88 `8D .8P Y8. 88 `8D 88' 88 `8D `~~88~~' `8b d8' 88oodD' 88oobY' 88 88 88oodD' 88ooooo 88oobY' 88 `8bd8' 88~~~ 88`8b 88 88 88~~~ 88~~~~~ 88`8b 88 88 88 88 `88. `8b d8' 88 88. 88 `88. 88 88 88 88 YD `Y88P' 88 Y88888P 88 YD YP YP Ryans Property 1581 Route 507, Greentown, PA 18426 Type ; SingleFamily Year built ; 1972 Heating ; Other, Oil Cooling ; No Data Parking ; 1 Parking space Interior Bedrooms & bathrooms Bedrooms ; 3 Bathrooms ; 1 Basement Basement ; Unfinished Flooring Flooring ; Tile, Hardwood, Linoleum / Vinyl Heating Heating features ; Other, Oil Appliances Appliances included ; Dryer, Range / Oven, Refrigerator, Washer Other interior features Total interior livable area ; 2,562 sqft Fireplace ; Yes Property Parking Total spaces ; 1 Parking features ; Garage - Attached Property Exterior features ; Vinyl Lot Lot size: 2.22 Acres Other property information Construction Type & style Home type ; SingleFamily Material information Foundation ; Crossed Walls Roof ; Asphalt Condition Year built ; 1972 Price history Date Event Price 9/5/2013 Sold $158,000-7%$62/sqft 4/6/2013 Price change $169,900-2.9%$66/sqft 9/2/2012 Price change $174,900-2.6%$68/sqft 3/1/2012 Listed for sale $179,500$70/sqft Year Property taxes Tax assessment 2023 $3,111 +2.4% $29,060 2022 $3,038 +1.5% $29,060 2021 $2,994 $29,060 2020 $2,994 +3.3% $29,060 2019 $2,899 +1.7% $29,060 2018 $2,851 $29,060 2017 -- $29,060 2016 -- $29,060 2015 -- $29,060 2014 -- $29,060 2013 -- $29,060 2012 -- $29,060 2011 -- $29,060 2010 -- $29,060 Colettes Property 175 Pasquin Dr, E Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Interior Details Heating & Cooling Heating: Baseboard, ElectricAir ConditioningHeating Fuel: Baseboard Levels, Entrance, & Accessibility Stories: 2Floors: Carpet, Linoleum Vinyl Attic Number of Rooms: 8Types of Rooms: Walk In Closet, Dining Room Appliances & Utilities Cable Ready Dishwasher Dryer Refrigerator Washer Fireplace & Spa: Fireplace Exterior Home Features Roof: AsphaltDeckExterior: VinylFoundation Type: Crawl RaisedPatioPorch Parking & Garage GarageParking: Garage Attached Property Information Year Built Year Built: 2000 Property Type / Style Property Type: Single Family HomeArchitecture: Colonial Community Units in Building: 1 Lot Information Lot Area: 0.53 acres Date Price Event 03/25/2021 $203,500 Sold 02/27/2021 $203,500 Listed For Sale PMAR #PM-84144 01/11/2021 ListingRemoved PMAR 01/07/2021 $203,500 Listed For Sale Agent Provided 01/05/2010 $148,000 Sold 10/30/2009 $809 Sold Year 2023 Tax $4,356 Assessment $130,480 ──────────────────────────────────────⊹⊱✫⊰⊹────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────⊹⊱✫⊰⊹────────────────────────────────────── EXTRA INFO. either related to relatives / info of old numbers owned by either parent. Phone numbers. (570) 534 2040 Formatted: +15705342040 Local Format: (570) 534-2040 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: RYAN MCLENNAN, BRIGIDA PERSIA Carrier: Verizon Wireless Line Type: Wireless Spammer: false (929) 243-0255 Formatted: +19292430255 Local Format: (929) 243-0255 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: N/A Carrier: Verizon Wireless Line Type: Wireless Spammer: false (308) 279-1284 Formatted: +13082791284 Local Format: (308) 279-1284 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: RYAN M MCLENNAN, RYAN MCLENNAN Carrier: Verizon Wireless Line Type: Wireless Spammer: false (718) 931-4034 Formatted: +17189314034 Local Format: (718) 931-4034 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: RYAN MCLENNAN, GEORGE L MCLENNAN, LOIS MCLENNAN, DANIELLE C MCLENNAN, JOHN MCLENNAN, PAMEIELLE MCLENNAN Carrier: Verizon Communications Line Type: Landline Spammer: false (315) 489-6308 Formatted: +13154896308 Local Format: (315) 489-6308 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: GEORGE MCLENNAN, GEORGE M MCLENNAN, DANIELLE C MCLENNAN Associated Emails: Carrier: Sprint PCS Line Type: Wireless Spammer: false (845) 227-6472 Formatted: +18452276472 Local Format: (845) 227-6472 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 65 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: true Prepaid: false Risky: true Name: ANDREW M SENNO, BRIAN A SENNO, KAYLA A SENNO, MICHAEL A SENNO, PATTI L SENNO Carrier: Frontier Line Type: VOIP Spammer: false (845) 227-8059 Formatted: +18452278059 Local Format: (845) 227-8059 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 65 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: true Prepaid: false Risky: true Name: LOIS MCLENNAN, ROBERT M BLOOM Carrier: Frontier Line Type: VOIP Spammer: false (718) 589-6291 Formatted: +17185896291 Local Format: (718) 589-6291 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: COLETTE V BOWMAN, COLETTE BOWMAN, ANDRE BOWMAN, ANDRE F BOWMAN Carrier: CABLEVISION LIGHTPATH, INC. Line Type: Landline Spammer: false (347) 481-2991 Formatted: +13474812991 Local Format: (347) 481-2991 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: N/A Carrier: T-Mobile Line Type: Wireless Spammer: false (570) 894-5737 Formatted: +15708945737 Local Format: (570) 894-5737 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: N/A Carrier: Verizon Communications Line Type: Landline Spammer: false (718) 816-5343 Formatted: +17188165343 Local Format: (718) 816-5343 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: N/A Carrier: Verizon Communications Line Type: Landline Spammer: false (347) 737-1163 Formatted: +13477371163 Local Format: (347) 737-1163 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: COLETTE B BOWMAN, COLETTE BOWMAN Associated Emails: Carrier: T-Mobile Line Type: Wireless Spammer: false (347) 737-5570 Formatted: +13477375570 Local Format: (347) 737-5570 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: COLETTE B BOWMAN, SHADINA WILLIAMS, ANDRE BOWMAN, JOHN EDOUARD Associated Emails: Carrier: T-Mobile Line Type: Wireless Spammer: false (718) 693-0238 Formatted: +17186930238 Local Format: (718) 693-0238 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: DONNELL BELOTI, GWENDOLYN BELOTI, JESSICA BELOTI, SOPHIA E LORETO, TANIA F FERRANLORETO Associated Emails: Carrier: CABLEVISION LIGHTPATH, INC. Line Type: Landline Spammer: false (718) 882-6972 Formatted: +17188826972 Local Format: (718) 882-6972 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: CHERYL CLAXTON Associated Emails: Carrier: Verizon Communications Line Type: Landline Spammer: false (718) 427-1269 Formatted: +17184271269 Local Format: (718) 427-1269 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: PATRICIA A PEREZ, PATRICIA B PEREZ Associated Emails: Carrier: Verizon Wireless Line Type: Wireless Spammer: false (718) 828-9982 Formatted: +17188289982 Local Format: (718) 828-9982 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: N/A Associated Emails: Carrier: Verizon Communications Line Type: Landline Spammer: false (917) 391-6564 Formatted: +19173916564 Local Format: (917) 391-6564 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: CHRISTINA P PEREZ, CHRISTINA M PEREZ, PATRICIA A PEREZ Associated Emails: Carrier: Verizon Wireless Line Type: Wireless Spammer: false (718) 822-4019 Formatted: +17188224019 Local Format: (718) 822-4019 Valid: true Active: true Fraud Score: 0 Recent Abuse: false VOIP: false Prepaid: false Risky: false Name: N/A Associated Emails: Carrier: Verizon Communications Line Type: Landline Spammer: false Emails colettec461@gmail.com IP Addresses ; Last updated 1 year ago. Bob Chucks Lives in Inglewood, CA Primary Residence ; 11309 Doty Ave. Inglewood, CA 90303 Phone Numbers ; 323-471-8931 Email Addresses ; colettec461@gmail.com Last updated 1 year ago. Colette V. Bowman Lives in Richmond Hill, NY Born on March 24th, 1983 (41 years old) Primary Residence: 415 Halsey St. Apt 31 Richmond Hill, NY 11418 Previous Addresses: 2273 Pine Point Dr. Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Recorded in 2022. 416 Bolton Ave. Apt 3 Bronx, NY 10473 Recorded in 2020. 416 Bolton Ave. Bronx, NY 10473 Recorded in 2019. 4029 Clay Ranch Ln. Lot 3466 Bellville, TX 12939 Phone Numbers: 347-365-6397 770-527-7161 718-589-6291 561-674-2071 803-580-8208 Email Addresses: colettec461@gmail.com Associates: Colette Claxton-bowman IP Addresses: (Apr 2022) (Sep 2019) (Oct 2019) (Aug 2013) (Jun 2013)