Name: Maria Solkina
Phone Number: +79692934801
Address: Volgograd, Angarskaya st., 33A
Telegram: https://t.me/kefuir
Instagram: https://instagram.com/martcuiw
School: MOU secondary school №67
School address: 400081 Volgograd,
st. Angarskaya d.15
Official site: http://school67vlg.ru
Contact Information:
Phone: 37-78-44
E-mail: school_67@mail.ru
Headmaster: Esikov Viktor Viktorovich
GOU VPO Volgograd State Pedagogical University, teacher of history.
Volgograd Institute of Economics, Sociology and Law, "Organization Management", 2013
Contact phone numbers
8(8442) 37-07-19, 37-78-44
Working hours: Monday-Friday, except weekends and holidays.
Reception hours: Wednesday from 14.00-17.00
e-mail: school67@volgadmin.ru
School coordinates:
48°42'55"N 44°29'23"E
dox by Hiory