( USER IS 15 DOXBIN STAFF ) Name: Paul Scorcia (not full) Location: North America, United States, New York Birthdate: September 11, 2008 ### Socials Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paul.scoria/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/paulscorcia11/ Snap: paulscorcia ### Emails scorciap036@stu.mw.ny.us // User: Paul Sorcia // St. Thomas University Gmail paulscorcia11@gmail.com // User: Paul experiment.paul.t@gmail.com // User: Experiment t pscor51@students.cornwallschools.com // User: Paul Sorcia // Cornwall Central School District Gmail rare.13333@gmail.com // User: Paul owluhfoaslhugfawg ### IRL https://imgur.com/a/2Nkzc5m ^ here u can see his face and u can tell that he is ugly as shit but look at what he says https://prnt.sc/NfdK25YLnzRA https://prnt.sc/aoFGXbe5iHhu https://prnt.sc/n0hRN0lGWpnE (ugly as shit talking about how i cant pull) https://prnt.sc/9ekAnUNZ8IQa https://prnt.sc/uPs-bWq95td3 (talking shit ab me when u can clearly see his hairline looking like the goddamn McDonalds logo) https://prnt.sc/sr-a4ycN1qzm dude talks about rape and shit he is literally just a fucked up person in general that talks down on people but says its a 'joke' when they do shit back, or even SAY shit back Discord ID: 650762787047604224 Discord User: mrnosleep11