Name: Lazareva Anastasia Ivanova
Phone Number: +7 968 ​​717-60-86
Address: Zaraysk, Dmitry Blagoev St., 22, apt. 15
Email: /////Vk: https://vk.com/id708843598
Date of birth: 18.08
Mother: Lazareva Olga Nikolaevna (1987.06.04)
Number:+7 965 348-01-81
Vk: https://vk.com/id446127189
Father (father) Alexander Nosov
Vk: https://vk.com/id484876281
Father: Ivan Nosov
Mother's sister: Elena Nosova
Vk: https://vk.com/id418288458
Hometown of the whole family: Beloomut
Mother works: At home she sells custom-made perfumes
School Secondary school №1 Krasnoarmeyskaya street, 31, Zaraysk
Class leader: Astafieva Olga Anatolyevna
Vk: https://vk.com/id283916744
Headmaster: Belikova Elena Nikolaevna
School number: +7 (4966) 62-52-79
School website: https://shkola1z.edumsko.ru/
Contacts for communication with the school management
phone +7(49666)2-52-79 phone +7(985)747-56-92 alternate_email zrsk_mbouleon@mosreg.ru
School YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJU7rc8JxW9X5OJmn2sEWwQ