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Doxbin CARLQ
Motivation: He flam me and my friends family


Name: Carlo
Surname: Bianca
Age: 15 (2008)
City: Avola,Sicily
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Number Phone: +39 351 676 8202 (it number)
Email: tiktokcxrlo@gmail.com
School: Falcone borsellino
He went to middle school: At Cassabile
He dont have sister or brother
User ID: 982571303498317824
Nitro: Nitro
WiFi: Vodafone 
(He dont have payment method on his ds account)

1) His Photos: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1113392370944331856/1131251600422342736/ImageToPDF_CCARLQ.pdf
2) https://discord.com/assets/325421cb49d6e0717b8c7b9dfa2d4bdc.svg
3) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1136052288813813861/1136052382707494912/Screenshot_2023-08-01-23-24-03-294_com.png [with his parents]


Instagram: carlo_fbb
Discord: carlq
Tiktok: carlq.it


Father: Chrstian Bianca 
Work: Violinist Teacher
Sport: Yoga
Ig: Christian Bianca

Uncle: Dario Bianca
Ig: dariobianca

doxxed by waglo
my discord: waglo