1. Dominik cieślak- Bandit
Gmail :    dominik.cieslak@gmail.com
Phone : 735 998 165
Information : (2023)
Age 16
Weight  67
Height 168
  Country poland 
  City  Piła
  Street   złota 9 
  Orange/yellow  block the apartment is right in front of you as you enter 
Science  :
 primary school number 6 named after Polish hang gliders in Piła 
 Technical school in piła  majoring in car mechanics 
Family :
 Parents : Ewa Cieślak , Grzegorz Cieślak 
 Sister  : Weronika Cieślak 
 Grandma and Grandpa   : Teresa Cieślak , 
 wiesław Cieślak 
I add him becouse  he is bandit attacked me and my family