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|                      Table of contents                        | 
|      0x01  Introduction.............................          |
|      0x02  Personal Information.....................          |
|      0x03  Social Media Accounts....................          |
|      0x04  IP Information...........................          |
|      0x05  Family Members Information...............          |
|      0x06  House Information........................          |
|      0x07  Chat Logs................................          |
|      0x08  The Speech...............................          |
|                      0x01  Introduction                       |
doxxed for being a scammer                                      |
|                  0x02  Personal Information                   |
│Name khyie bain                                                │
│Occupation scamming lil kids on discord                        │
│Race african amrican                                           │
│Gender male                                                    │
│Sexuality straight                                             │
│Relationship Status single and poor                            │
│Age 16                                                         │
│Mobile phone number +1 7862871014                              │
│Direct Address                                                 │ 
│3528 Charles Ave, Miami, FL, 33133                             │ 
│Country                                                        │    
│UNITED STATES                                                  │
│State                                                          │ 
│Florida                                                        │
│City                                                           │
│Miami                                                          │
│ZIP                                                            │
│33133                                                          │ 
|                  0x03  Social Media Accounts                  |
|Discord dev9692                                                │
|Email khyiembain39@gmail.com                                   │
|                      0x04  IP Information                     |
│-IP Address-                                                   │ 
ISP          │ Comcast Cable Communications                     │
│ Organisation │ Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, Inc     │
│ Pays         │ United States                                  │
│ Region       │ Florida                                        │
│ Ville        │ Miami                                          │
│ Code Postal  │ 33129                                          │
│ Localisation │ 25.7588, -80.1963                              │
│ Maps         │ https://www.google.fr/maps?q=25.7588, -80.1963 │
│|                                                              │  
│SSID (WIFI NAME)               | PASSWORD                      │
│--------------------|-----------------------------             │
│Tequila             | Koribain5                                │
│King                | khyie bain                               │
│King                | khyiembain                               │
│Tequila             | Koribain5                                │
|               0x05  Family Members Information                |
│-MOM-                                                          |
│NAME  Tequila Alexis Howell                                    |
│AGE/D.O.B 36 Jan 1987                                          |
│ADDRESS 3528 Charles Ave, Miami, FL, 33133                     |                      
│HOME PHONE NUMBER 305-443-9835                                 |
│Pintrest tequlia howell                                        |        
│-GRANDMA-                                                      |
│NAME Mary Melissa Howell                                       |
│AGE/D.O.B Age 88 | Born Aug 1935                               |
│ADDRESS 3528 Charles Ave, Miami, FL, 33133                     |
│HOME PHONE NUMBER 786-728-6268                                 | 
|-GRANDPA-                                                      |
|NAME Gregory L Howell                                          |
|AGE/D.O.B Age 66 | Born Mar 1996                               |
||ADDRESS 3528 CHARLES AVEMIAMI, FL 33133-5714                  |
|HOME PHONE NUMBER 786) 925-6798                                |
|                    0x06  House Information                    |
|Address:3528 Charles Ave, Miami, FL 33133                      |
|County:US                                                      |
|State:Florida                                                  |
|City:Miami                                                     |
|Purchase Date:                                                 |
|07/1974                                                        |
|Purchase Price:                                                |
|$30,800                                                        |
|Assessed Value:                                                |
||$67,183                                                       |
|Lot Size:                                                      |
|5,000 Square Feet                                              |
|(0.11 Acres)                                                   |
|Living Space:                                                  |
|1,212 Square Feet                                              |
|Estimated Start:                                               |
|04/2014                                                        |
|Estimated End:                                                 |
|11/2023'                                                       |