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diggy, be honest, you saw this coming.
dox dropped by you know who ;)
Full Name: Diggeth Downeth
IRL Photo: https://imgur.com/5PNAaVR
Aliases - Diggy, DiggyDown, Tessi-cles, helo
Address: Duck St, Clitheroe, BB7 1LP
Phone Number: 0345 677 9176 (home)
Phone Number: 0539 537 8593 (mobile)
IP Address:
Weight: 413 kg (fattest man in UK lookin havin ass)
Youtube: https://youtube.com/skidnndiggy
Mother: Tessa Downeth
Father: Ben Downeth
Sister: Sissy Downeth
Brother: Gay Downeth
Reason For Dox:
        - supports skids
        - nn
        - ratted multiple people
        - fat
        - smells like the fat shit i take after gobbling down taco bell and beating my meat
        - absolute DUMBASS in general
        - die
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