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             ::::::`:::::;'  /  /   `#                          !!!Reaserch 8 months !!! 100% LEGIT INFORMATION!!!

    Gerechtigkeit stand for the highest quality doxes available.
    Each person who is placed by Gerechtigkeit isn't innocent.
    They are usually pedophiles or people blackmailing others.

                        Nickname: Pakil / perpakil / grubszy_1
			First Name: Bartek
			Last Name: Syrkiewicz
			Facebook: -
			Birthday: 31.07.2008
			Address: Bohaterów Getta 10/5, 57-200 Ząbkowice Śląskie, Poland
			Number: +48690379129
			Facebook: -
			Discord (ID): perpakil
			Mail: kochamruchacdzieckopakl2@gmail.com
			Car: Nie ma prawka dzieciak Jebany

			Information: Bartek, also known as Pakil, is a person with a questionable reputation who demands inappropriate pictures
			from girls on Discord without verifying their age. In the past, when he worked as a pizza delivery person, he would
			sometimes (or what is even worse) add his own secretions to the dough. All the girls he interacts with are people he has
			met online, and it is worth adding that he does not maintain any other relationships outside of those established online.

                       PEDOPHILE PHOTO: